-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "ashley Abraham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

> -Caveat Lector-
>> Despite my last name, I feel that the arabs have let the Palestinian
> suffer for arab gain. I do have a heart for the Palestinians, but don't
> it as the Israeli's fault. The Jordanians, and other arab countries, could
> have absorbed these people decades ago

this is a shitty remark. tell me ashley (and don't bother with the
hysterical anti-semiticim accusations)   do you think israel should comply
with the numerous UN resolutions?

but refused to do in order to create
> this very problem. The other arab nations do not want, and never did want,
> the nation of Israel to exist. This is their way of fighting it. And
> by this list, it is working.

it is a one sided war. it is a war between a very heavily armed nation state
with seemingly endless support from amerika against a civilian population
who are so desperate that the only resource they have is to use suicide
bombers. suicide bombers are only ever going to be symbols of defiance
against their oppressors. it is not a workable offence or defence tactic. it
is the sign of a people completely subdued and without any means of
defending themselves in a desperately horrid situation.
you can judge the list all you want- the fuck i care what you think.
i can be an anti-zionist without being anti-semite.
prudy is right (if i understood her correctly)- the jews lay claim to the
horror of the holocaust to the exclusion of all the other victims of the
nazis. seemingly forgetting that there were many specific targets and
victims. the jews aren't special in that context- just one vicitm of many.
you say that if comparisons between nazis and jews is relevent then it is
the same with nazis and palestinians/ arabs because they hate israelis. i
cannot agree at all- the isralis are not ghettoised the way the palestinians
are. at all.
the palestinians are fucked. waaay fucked. and it is israel thatis doiiung
it- and we are all sitting back and watching gunships versus rock throwers.
we are all fucked.

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