-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/2/01 8:44:50 PM Central Daylight Time,

   So it goes in the real world. If this bothers you, good. No one gives a
   shit. But don't go making up silly stuff. It makes you seem dumb like
   Saba, and shallow like Prudy.

   Argue you position from the truth like a man.

Your history is flawed.

I have made nothing up and only report the truth unlike you.

J2> I have the VERY best record of being both consistently honest AND
accurate. The proof is in the archives. I won't bother saying more about
this subject because it's not necessary.

It's very clear that you are nothing more than a shill, that you are a
Zionist and that you, like your Zionist friends are short-tempered and don't
suffer dissent well.

J2> I'm tired of you racist pricks. I am not now, nor have I ever been a
Zionist. Officially, unofficially, or otherwise. I am however, against the
destruction of Israel. I am a Jew. I am not an Arab. If I were an Arab, I
would be pro-Palestinian. I am not working for or affiliated with ANY Jewish
or Zionist groups or organizations. I don't really give a fuck what you
think, but I do want to put it on record.

I don't care for the Nazis nor do I care for the Zionists and they really are
kindred spirits.

J2> Silly bigot. If the Zionists were like Nazis the would be NO Palestinian
issue at this time at all. That's the proof that you are a vicious bigot.
Spouting this Arab / Neo-Nazi drivel shows you for what you are. And having
Icke as a source makes it obvious.

For you to insist that this isn't the case makes your stripes perfectly
clear, and that's fine but please don't ever claim to be anything but a very
biased shill ok?

J2> Fuck you asshole. Don't tell me what I am, when you don't have a clue.

I'm not sure why you even bother...your lobby is one of the most powerful in
America and has more than ample chances to spread its propaganda in
mainstream forums.

J2> I bother because I am the only one on this ( and other ) list(s) who
goes to the trouble of exposing the lies of people like you. Just your above
paragraph is a fine example. If you were a real researcher, you could randomly
monitor the Net and the US and world media ANY DAY and see that the
overwhelming media coverage is Pro-Palestinian. That is what's known as a
" fact." Anybody reading this can test this statement. You, on the other hand
continue with your stupid 'Jews control the world media conspiracy theory'. If
that were indeed the case, then you wouldn't really see the overwhelmingly one
sided coverage you do. I keep daily vodeo records of TV broadcast news shows.
I monitor AT LEAST 4 news programs every day, including the BBC and ITN. I
actually know what I'm talking about, while you live in your emotional sewer
of bigoted fanatsy.


Zionism IS racism, you know this well J2.


J2> Zionism is Jewish nationalism. It doesn't really matter what others think
about it. It doesn't really matter because all your wheel spinning is
irrelevant. If you don't like the way it's playing out in the Mid East, great!
I wouldn't have it any other way.

" So it goes in the real world. If this bothers you, good. No one gives a
   shit. But don't go making up silly stuff. It makes you seem dumb like
   Saba, and shallow like Prudy.

   Argue you position from the truth like a man."


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