-Caveat Lector-

D.C. Plans ID Card for Students
Aim of DMV Database Is Missing Children
 The ID cards, issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles, could be
used to track everything from children's welfare benefits to attendance at
school functions.
(D.C. Motor Vehicle Administration)
_____Special Report_____
• Privacy

By Robert O'Harrow Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, August 15, 2001; Page A01
District officials plan to begin taking digital photographs and fingerprints
of schoolchildren this fall as part of a high-tech identification initiative
designed to improve the search for missing children.

Under a plan initiated by the administration of Mayor Anthony A.
Williams (D), the information about the children would be collected at
schools using laptop computers. It would be fed into a centralized
computer system, and the children then would receive ID cards
containing bar codes that can be scanned by authorities, officials said.
Children from 2 to 14 initially would be eligible for the new IDs, and
parents would have to give their approval before their children can
participate. The IDs are to cost $5, although the city may subsidize the
fee for low-income residents. The IDs would need to be renewed every
two years.

Several officials said they hope the program could be expanded to
improve social services by closely tracking youths' involvement in
schools and government benefit programs.

Although local law enforcement agencies and private organizations have
long snapped photos and taken fingerprints for parents to use in the
event of a child's disappearance, the District's initiative is fundamentally
different because the government  is to maintain the information.

"We want to take advantage of the latest digital technology to
implement a process that will enable us to protect and assist the
parents and children of the District of Columbia," Sherryl Hobbs
Newman, director of the Department of Motor Vehicles, who is
overseeing the plan, said in an interview. "We should use the
technology we're developing to get that information to whomever needs

It is not clear how much of a problem missing children are in the
District. The mayor's office said police list 86 open cases of juveniles
reported missing in the 17 months from January 2000 to the end of May.
Nationally, more than 5,000 children are listed as missing at any one
time, said a spokesman for a group that tracks the issue. Those
numbers include runaways and children taken by estranged parents.
Businesses, governments and military agencies everywhere are linking
computers, digital photographs and biometric identifiers -- such as
fingerprints and facial scans -- to improve security and better
authenticate the identities of individuals. Many law enforcement
agencies use such technology to electronically book prisoners.
But the coupling of technology and biometric information has drawn
intense criticism from privacy advocates. And some activists and
officials expressed concern about the District's plan, saying the
identifying information could be misused by authorities and hacked by

"I find it kind of scary," said Mary M. Levy, analyst and counsel for
Parents United for the D.C. Public Schools, an advocacy group. She
said many parentsmight not want police using the data for investigations.
D.C. Council member Kevin P. Chavous (D-Ward 7), chairman of the
council's Education Committee, said he shares Levy's concerns, but he
supports the program. "Generally, I think it's a good idea," he said. "I
am a little concerned about the Big Brother aspect."

Council member Phil Mendelson (D), who is on the Education
Committee, said he was unaware of the plan but is glad it is voluntary.
He said the government nevertheless must act slowly because of the
privacy issues involved. "We need to be very careful about . . . obtaining
such detailed information," he said.

At the request of the mayor, council Chairman Linda W. Cropp (D)
introduced a resolution July 6 that would amend local regulations to
allow for the child ID cards. There was no debate at the time, and no
hearings have been scheduled.

The resolution takes effect 45 working days after its introduction, unless
the council votes against it, officials said.

Newman said she is sensitive to privacy concerns. Although the system
would greatly ease the collection of information about individual children,
she said, it would also be configured to limit how much information
officials could get.

"I think people will eventually see the benefits," she said. "New things
tend to scare people."

The District's initiative would be the most sophisticated in the nation to
focus primarily on children, according to officials at Polaroid ID
Systems, who have worked with the DMV to create the program.
The only similar program is in West Virginia, which began offering child
IDs two years ago. The District plan differs from it in one key respect:
District DMV officials intend to go into the schools with portable
equipment to collect children's information.

Only about 5,000 children have been photographed or fingerprinted in
West Virginia, in part because officials there require parents to bring
their children to motor vehicle offices, according to Mary Jane Lopez, a
spokeswoman for the DMV there.

District motor vehicle officials described the program as a chance to use
their year-old digital driver-licensing system to help authorities find
missing children by providing instant access, including over the Internet,
to recent photos and other identifying details.

Officials have also begun planning ways to expand the program to
improve the delivery of social services for eligible children, "from day one
of their lives," said to Sandra Villeneuve, a regional account manager at
Polaroid ID Systems who has attended planning meetings in the
mayor's office.

Among other things, school officials might use the bar code on
students' ID cards to monitor attendance in school and at events. Social
services officials might use the card to track a child's benefits, officials

Newman said that if the program unfolds as planned, the use of an ID
card may become obligatory for some young people who receive social
services and already provide much of the information to city officials.
"What we're doing is actually making it more convenient . . . condensing
it in one card," she said.

Some parents expressed concern about how the DMV would control
access to the system and limit uses of the data. Iris Toyer, the mother
of a 9-year-old at Stanton Elementary School, said: "I find it invasive. I
do not know who will have access to it. I do not know how it will be
used, regardless of what they say."

Privacy specialists also criticized the plan, saying the city's apparent
aims for the program are too open-ended to justify the risks of gathering
so much information about children in one place.

"There are always benefits. There are also risks that tend to be
understated," said Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic
Privacy Information Center. "Now you're talking about kids."

An official from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Childen
also questioned the wisdom of the District's plan. Spokesman David
Shapiro said there's no question that investigators searching for missing
children need access to a current photo as quickly as possible.

But, Shapiro said, authorities can usually get the information they need
from parents. Oftentimes that includes a child's fingerprints. During the
last decade, through community- and business-sponsored programs,
the center has helped create 12 million children's "passports" containing
photographs and information about individual children. Police agencies
and other groups have done the same thing.

"It's the national center's view that only parents should maintain this
information," Shapiro said, adding that a major concern is that outsiders
or officials might misuse information collected in a database. "There's
always that potential. . . . Security is a major issue."

As in the District, West Virginia officials envision a major expansion of
the program in the coming years. Lopez said officials there are
considering using the ID cards to improve security and track attendance
at schools. They may also want to create IDs for children in foster care
programs to ensure they get proper services, she said.

"I think it ought to be mandatory," Lopez said. "I just think it ought to go
nationally. . . . That database could be used for many things."

Staff writer Sewell Chan contributed to this report.

Best wishes

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of need.  -Sen. John A. Tyler Morgan (Alabama)

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