-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Barry Chamish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 3:14 AM
Subject: how things work


by Barry Chamish

We had hoped that Shimon Peres' seemingly irrational appointment of Carmi
Gillon as ambassador to Denmark would open up his role in the Rabin
assassination. So far, that has not happened, but it will. Instead, and
from the most unexpected source, Gillon's role in the planning and
execution of the Hebron massacre of February 1994 is being raised. Read
what Dr. Linda Efroni writes in the highly influential but staid Israeli
business daily, Globes:

"Besides being head of the Shabak, we must recall that Gillon was a central
figure in the massacre at the Cave Of The Patriarchs. It was decided that >
the Shabak fell asleep at the wheel in this case but, maybe not. In either
case, the investigating committee headed by then Supreme Court President, >
Meir Shamgar, cleaned up Gillon's responsibility... "Once out of service,
Gillon was taken care of with a job as chairman of the Peres Center For
Peace at a salary equal to that of a bank CEO. There > is no more
preventing discussion of the dangerous connection between Peres and the
government. As Foreign Minister today, Peres continues to take care of
Gillon. Why did he appoint this klutz with no diplomatic background and a
long history of failure to be the Danish ambassador? And why does the
government back this disastrous appointment, one which endangers Israel's >
reputation in Europe? It is more than obvious that Gillon has the
information to grasp quite a few politicians by their tender parts."

At last, the mainstream media has raised Gillon's role in the Hebron >
massacre and the likelihood that he is blackmailing Peres and other
politicians over the truth of the slaughter. The Israeli public was
informed that an extremist, Dr. Baruch Goldstein entered the mosque in
Hebron's Cave Of The Patriarchs alone and massacred 51 Arab worshippers.
But that is not the conclusion one would reach after reading the records of
the Shamgar Commission's inquiry into the event.

For one thing, no witness, Arab or Jew saw a lone shooter in the mosque.
But that's just the start. The three soldiers guarding the entrance to the
Cave complex testified that Goldstein entered at 4:45 AM carrying an M-16.
Shamgar concluded that Goldstein arrived at 5:20, carrying a Glilon assault
rifle. Goldstein entered the mosque with two soldiers. They threw grenades
and shot into the crowd, then escaped the mosque, locking the door behind
them, thus trapping Goldstein inside against the panicked mob. At this
point, an Arab on the commission, Judge Zuabi noted, "Then there was a
conspiracy. Goldstein couldn't have locked the door from the outside if he
was inside. He would have needed help for that."

There is much more. Readers are advised to order the full commission
protocols from the Ministry of Justice. The sum total of eye-witness
testimonies prove that Dr. Goldstein was a patsy who did not murder anyone.

But a patsy for who? Carmi Gillon was head of the Jewish Department > of
the Shabak, based in Hebron, at the time yet somehow was not called on > by
Shamgar's commission to testify. That was easily arranged since Gillon's
brother Ilan was the court registrar who decided on the witness list.

Thanks to Peres' insane decision to appoint Gillon the Danish ambassador,
even and finally, Gillon's suspected role as planner and executioner of the
Hebron massacre is emerging in the mainstream Israeli press.

The Har Shefi Dirty Deal Revealed

We knew that Margalit Har Shefi's incredibly damaging saga was based on
some kind of filthy agreement. By insisting that she did not know that >
Amir would murder Rabin, Har Shefi set the truth back years and landed
herself in prison for a short stay. While incarcerated, her Knesset member
uncle Benny Elon said not a word about the injustice his niece was
suffering. Somehow, Har Shefi's supporters missed the significance of his >

Har Shefi's attorney was Elon's far-left brother Menachem. He planned the
legal strategy that assured Har Shefi's deceit and imprisonment. Meanwhile,
brother Benny sits on the Committee To Elect Judges. So guess what?; Thanks
to the newspaper Hatsofe, we learned that Benny's committee has decided to
appoint Menachem Elon a judge. Har Shefi's role in wrecking the truthful
search for Rabin justice has been rewarded.

However, the search continues despite her attempts to sabotage it. Recall
the previous article from this author. An eye-witness inside Ichilov
Hospital saw Peres' commanding role in the murder and small details of his
testimony are being confirmed. He claimed Prof. Gabi Barabash and
journalist Eitan Haber arrived at the hospital together, having been at the
same party. The witness was right on the money. Now, another correspondent
has provided the name of the party's host:

"Barabash and Haber together is correct (they came from Ido Disenchik's
home where Rabin was supposed to show up too). Since they arrived together,
it was Barabash who showed the way to Haber inside Ichilov. Haber's
testimony that 'he wandered aimlessly' through the corridors is Alice in

Even Har Shefi and her two uncles can't stop the truth from marching on.

More on Spain and the Jesuits

Also in the previous posting was an eye-witness expose of the role of
William Owens, Admiral of the Sixth Fleet during the Persian Gulf War.

If recalled, Admiral Owens (CFR) let slip his desire to drop missiles on
Israel. I received numerous letters insisting Owens would not have had the
authority to issue such an order in contravention of US policy. Well, who
says the US is running things in the Middle East? The White House has an
ultimate commander of its own and his headquarters are in Spain. We, of
course are referring to the Jesuit-trained King Juan Carlos of Spain.

A wonderful correspondent found this little tidbit about Admiral Owens:

"Also, remember who sits on the Mediterranean and has the following

In 1954 he completed his Baccalaureate at the San Isidro School in Madrid,
and in 1955 began his studies at the Academies and Military Colleges of the
Army, the Navy and the Air Force. During this time he carried out his
practice voyage as a midshipman on the training ship Juan Sebastian Elcano
and qualified as a military pilot."

For those who can't accept that little old Spain is planning its latest
inquisition of Jews, recall that King Juan Carlos is long abdicated and
supposedly has no more than a figurehead political role. If so, kindly
explain the following facts:

I will add my explanations between three stars ***. Now let's see how
things really work:


Sharon: Israel ready for painful concessions for peace Ariel Sharon (L)
shakes hands with his Turkish counterpart Bulent Ecevit in Ankara on

http://www.img.com.tr/article.asp?docid=824 April 30 /01Prime Minister
Ecevit visits Spain The Spanish King Juan Carlos also received Ecevit,
during his visit short, in addition to his bilateral meeting with the
Spanish Prime Minister.

Noting that they evaluated the bilateral relations with their political,
social and cultural dimensions during their contacts in Spain, Ecevit said
that they decided to activate the joint action plan signed earlier.

Ecevit said that they focused on various cooperation methods to benefit
from the investment opportunities in the two countries and to further
improve economic and commercial relations.

***Spain has, at the least, a mediating role in Israeli-Turkish relations >
but a far greater one between Israel and her neighbors. Recall that after >
the Persian Gulf War, the Bush/Baker team forced Israel to make grand
concessions at a conference held in Madrid. Well, the "peacemakers" of
Israel and the US are finagling to arrange a repeat conference under
Spanish auspices:"


All roads not only lead to Rome but also to ......

The Beilin plan.

*** Now look what happened within just two days.***

Source: CNN Fri Aug 10, 2001

Statement by U.S. President George W. Bush: Bush condemns Jerusalem suicide

.....The United States remains committed to implementation in all its
elements of the Mitchell Committee Report, which provides a path to return
to peace negotiations based on United Nations Security Council Resolutions
242, 338 and the Madrid Conference. To get to Mitchell the parties need to
resume effective security cooperation and work together to stop terrorism >
and violence.

Source: Ha'aretz Sun Aug 12, 2001

Peres gets green light to talk to PA; Beilin plans ''second Madrid
conference'' this October Former justice minister Yossi Beilin, meanwhile,
is embarking on a new diplomatic initiative of his own - convening a
"second Madrid conference" > this October, on the tenth anniversary of the
1991 conference that kicked > off the peace process. Several European
countries have expressed enthusiastic support for the idea, as has UN
Secretary-General Kofi Annan > and even some U.S. State Department
officials. Yesterday, Beilin went to Cairo to try to sell his plan to the

***Now look who immediately flies to Damascus after the Syrian president
exchanges a few words with King Juan Carlos.***

PLO secretary arrives in Damascus Sunday.

Today's J. Post article Arafat invited to Damascus.


Bashar al-Assad on Saturday received a message from the Spanish King Juan >


Mahmoud Abbas in Damascus

Syria-Palestine, Politics, 8/6/2001

The secretary of the PLO executive committee Mahmoud Abbas ( Abu Mazin)
arrived in Damascus on Sunday. In an arrival statement to the press, Abu
Mazin said that his visit to Damascus falls in the course of consultation
with the Syrian leadership on vision towards the future. He added " I will
brief the Syrian leadership with the current developments in the occupied >
Arab territories."


09:35) Report: Assad invites Arafat to visit

Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat has been officially invited to
visit Syria, according to Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), Arafat's deputy,
Israel Radio reports.

***So what are we told Juan Carlos said to Assad which sent the PLO's Nabil
Shaat scurrying to Damascus? Then we ask, what did Juan Carlos REALLY tell


A message to al-Assad from Spanish King

Syria-Spain, Politics, 8/6/2001

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Saturday received a message from the
Spanish King Juan Carlos. The message was delivered to the foreign minister
Farouk al-Shara during his meeting with the Spanish ambassador in Damascus
Javier Navoro. Talks, during the meeting, dealt with bilateral relations
between the two countries.

There is still room for optimism, Palestinian Planning and International
Cooperation Minister Nabil Shaath told Jerusalem Post Radio this afternoon.

***Now, let us look at how Shaat coordinated his Spanish orders with then >
Israeli Foreign Minister, and Juan Carlos' spy in the Knesset, Shlomo Ben >


Arafat fails to get backing to declare state

Meanwhile, Acting Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami, currently in Spain, said
that if Arafat does go ahead and declare his state on September 13 it would
likely cause "irreversible damage" to the peace process.

Ben-Ami's comment came during a meeting with Spanish Foreign Minister Josep
Pique in Barcelona, on the second leg of a five-day journey to Turkey,
Spain, France, Italy, and the Vatican to counter Arafat's globetrotting
efforts in search of international support.

Ben-Ami warned at a press conference yesterday that Israel might take its >
own unilateral measures to counteract the declaration of a state by the

"When someone breaks the rules of the game, it is possible that the other >
part takes unilateral measures as well," he said.

Ben-Ami asked Pique to use his influence in Spain and in the European Union
to get Arafat to display a more "pragmatic approach" on the negotiations.

"You should warn Arafat about losing an historic opportunity that may not >
return," he said.

Pique, who met earlier in the day with PA Planning Minister Nabil Shaath, >
said he would work inside the European Union to ensure that it coordinates
its position on a Palestinian state with the US.

At a press conference in Madrid yesterday after meeting Javier Solana, the
European Union's foreign policy chief, Ben-Ami, a former ambassador to
Spain, said he would like Spanish King Juan Carlos to play a mediating role
with Arab countries in peace talks focusing on the future of Jerusalem.

"I have asked Pique to see if it is possible for King Juan Carlos to use
his good relationships with some Arab countries to make the parties move
closer about Jerusalem," Ben-Ami said.

Ben-Ami said the two sides had an historic opportunity to reach peace, but
he played down the prospects for a new summit with the Palestinians.

He had raised the possibility in Barcelona of "a short, decisive" meeting >
before September 13.

"Our peace strategy leads to the possibility that perhaps, some time in the
month of September, possibly at the end of the month, we will be ready to >
go to a summit in which we would be able to make decisions and reach the
end of the conflict," Ben-Ami said.

***If you think Juan Carlos is only interested in Israel and its neighbors,
look at how he spreads his talons throughout the Middle East.***

June 29, 2001



of Spain announced that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Spain can play a
growing role to contribute to reaching a just, comprehensive and lasting
peace for which all peoples in the region are longing.

Just a few paragraphs:

''The intimate friendship which binds our two families is not but a true
picture that reflects the distinguished relations which binds our two
peoples and countries, and which draw its roots from history.'' Prince
Salman Ibn Abdul Aziz, Emir of Riyadh region, had arrived in Madrid for
several days official visit, and was received at the airport by Crown >
Prince of Spain Don Felipe De Borbon, who is also the Prince of Asturias, >
Fernando De Almansa, Chief of the Royal Palace, along with the Director of
Foreign Policy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the military corps in

In an address during a banquet, King Juan Carlos of Spain has affirmed that
the current visit of Prince Salman Ibn Abdul Aziz, Emir of Riyadh region to
Spain, will strengthen bilateral relations and enhance cooperation in
various fields between the two countries. King Juan Carlos said ''the visit
of the Emir of Riyadh region to Spain, reflects the existing strong ties
between the two countries.''

The King of Spain asked Prince Salman to convey his best wishes and
greetings to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Fahd Ibn Abdul

''Spanish companies and investors are following up with great interest the
opportunities that are available in Saudi Arabia,'' King Juan Carlos said.
With regard to the peace process in the Middle East region, King Juan
Carlos said that Spain is following with great care and interest the
difficult stage which the peace process is witnessing, but he added that it
seems there is a little hope following eight months of violence.

''The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Spain can play a larger role in
contributing to reaching a just, comprehensive and lasting peace for which
all peoples in the region are longing,'' King Juan Carlos said. King Juan
Carlos also said that after six months Spain will preside the EU and there
will be a lot of fields in which opportunities for enhancing and
intensifying cooperation and relations would be opened.

With regard to the peace process in the Middle East region, King Juan
Carlos said that Spain is following with great care and interest the
difficult stage which the peace process is witnessing, but he added that it
seems there is a little hope following eight months of violence.

***And while the retired king makes his promises to Syria, the PLO, Egypt,
and Saudi Arabia to take care of Israel the way they'd like to see it done,
he pulls the blinders over the Jews.***


The Delegation to the King Juan Carlos


Another important issue for his Majesty is Israel's situation, he hoped
that peace will soon reach that area.

All the attendants at the reception stated how interesting and important it
was for them that the King had received them and listened to their message
and concerns.

Details of the successful gathering

Both the King statements and the Cardinal words, were symbolic signs of the
desire to reconcile with the Jewish people and further that explain the
reasons ECJC decided to hold the second GA in Spain.

***And that is how things really work in the Middle East.***


My book THE LAST DAYS OF ISRAEL is available through www.amazon.com,
www.bn.com, www.borders.com , www.booksamillion.com,

The new e-mail address for the 2nd edition of Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin is

The Hebrew and English editions are available from the author as well.

Please visit http://www.webseers.com/rabin

All of the author's books are available by going to Amazon.com,
double-clicking books and typing in chamish.

The toll free numbers to inquire about all books are:

USA - 1 877 RABINYY 7224699

ISRAEL - 1 800 RABINY 722469

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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