-Caveat Lector-

I am aware of this June for you see this man had been questioned about
these plans.....

Years ago I went into the Nationwide Insurnce Building, huge new
building, modern and the thing that shocked me it was getting old for
such a new building - celings the tile stained and brown from plumbing

Wonder if this buiding was in need of repair; and I keep thinking of
this bus at the bottom of the heap with CALL THE POLICE above windshield
- where the designated street normally appears......but then here is
item I sent out before I knew about this man with the 99 year lease - 99
years who got into trouble money wise?

This story is about John Gotti and also about the ilegal demolition of 4
buildings in Times Square - this one guy mentioned is the guy who
murdered 19 people who was given immunity and set free - to testify
against John Gotti.

Note:   this alleged billion dollar contract for dry wall - seems this
old building needed lots of repair?   Demolition experts?   I say when I
saw those "twin towers" go down - it was more than a melt down this was
price award winnning demolition of buildings said demolition done in the
name of God -.....this bible calendar I have is used by the assassins or
the ones who control and pay for the assassins and sabotuers.

Keep thinking of that US Destroyer laying on its side in a New Jersey
harbor - sabotaged by mob for Lucky Luciano wanted out of jail.

Our government has worked with these men.....the know oh so many
They know of my bible calendar code too for I was told so by the man who
spent a year in prison with James Riddle Hoffa and may have had part in
his murder or escape - the usual suspencts involved.

So read this item which I had before I knew about this lease....at the
time it did not hit me tht the insides of this building was in need of
such repair?


Now this is a conspiracy theory list .....but there are some things
which seem to be a little more than just "cospiracy".

Osama bin Laden?   Well remember the Egyptian Jews put into the Mossad
to blow up Amerian movie theatres and other places (maybe kind of like
that disco in Israel where Russian kids hun out) but the idea was to
blame on Egyptians - not Jews.....like Thothmosis II carried all these
top intelligence men and the plane "suicides".....as the US Liberty and
our men lying on deck were NAPALMED AND BURNED AND MURDERED.

99 year lease....with an old by today's standards building - rase it,
rase it, rase it.....think demolition team behind the final blows.

And my bible calendar does not predict - intelligence can often
determine where the assassins might hit.....they leave alling cards in
bible ..... ask any high degree Mason or if you now any high degree
intelligence agents - well today they have been juged and found wanting.

So on with the Crusade - imagine Osama will be nailed, and lots cast for
his robe and maybe 2,000 years from now the Israelis will reconsider
what they did

Sammy "The Bull" Gravano
More Gravano Notches

Prior to his association with John Gotti, Gravano had been involved in
eight murders over a fourteen-year period.

Since becoming a member of Gotti's inner circle, he played a role in the
deaths of eleven men in six years.

After the murders of Castellano and Bilotti in 1985, the next person on
Gravano's "hit parade" was Nick Mormando. Known as "Nicky Cowboy,"
Mormando became addicted to crack cocaine and, according to Gravano,
became a "renegade" and went "berserk." Joe Paruta shot Mormando in the
back of the head and his body was left in an empty lot. This murder was
followed by the aforementioned slaying of Robert DiBernardo.

In 1987 another member of Gravano's crew, Mike DeBatt, also became
addicted to crack cocaine. DeBatt's father had been close with Gravano
and after his death, Sammy had taken the younger DeBatt under his wing
the same as he had done with Joey D'Angelo. In this case it was DeBatt's
wife who went to Gravano for help. Sammy responded by having young Mike
murdered while he tended bar at Tali's. Gravano claimed, "This just tore
my fucking insides out." Gravano doesn't mention how it affected the
DeBatt family.
The following year Gravano was involved in three murders. First was
Louis Milito in March 1988. Gravano received permission from Gotti to
kill his old Ramper gang partner. Milito had badmouthed Gravano's
decision to promote Louis Vallario to crew chief when Sammy was named
acting consigliere. Next was Francesco Oliverri in May. Oliverri, a
pasta factory employee and father of three, had killed a man in a
fistfight during an altercation in an apartment building hallway. The
victim had been a member of John Gambino's crew. Gambino went to Gotti
for revenge. Gotti gave the assignment to Gravano with orders to use
Robert Bisaccia, a "soldier" in a New Jersey crew that the family was
looking to promote. On May 3, while Gravano sat in a stolen getaway car,
Bisaccia shot Oliverri in the head as he sat in his car outside his

The last murder of 1988 was Wilfred "Willie Boy" Johnson. Gravano
explains, "John discussed how it should go, using me to bounce off ideas
about the best way to do it. That was my only involvement." Johnson's
murder was actually carried out by members of the Bonanno family on
August 29, 1988.

Thomas Spinelli was the only entry on the Gravano murder log for 1989.
Spinelli was a member of James Failla's crew and had recently testified
before a grand jury, an indiscretion punishable by death according to
Gravano. Spinelli was about to be called again when Gravano arranged his
murder inside a Brooklyn factory owned by the son of a Gambino Family
member. In the mid-1990s James Failla, Dan Marino and Joe Watts would
all be sent to prison for their role in this murder.

The last two murders Gravano was involved in came in 1990. The first was
Eddie Garofalo – not to be confused with Gravano's brother-in-law
Edward Garafola.

A demolition contractor known as "Cousin Eddie," in 1985 he illegally
demolished four buildings in Times Square in the middle of the night. On
August 9 Garofalo was shot to death by Gravano crewmembers in front of
his Brooklyn home.

The nineteenth and final murder attributed to Gravano was onetime
business partner and later nemesis Louis DiBono in October 1990.
Gravano, who had been envious of DiBono's drywall business, describes
the turn of events:

"He was still robbing the family and I asked for permission to take him
out. But John had a meeting with DiBono, and

DiBono told John that he had a billion dollars of drywall work that was
coming out of the World Trade Center. John bit, hook, line and sinker,
and refused my request.

[so you see this building was in need of repair...imagine ceilingns had
stain from plumbing and maybe new carpeting needed too......Saba note

John said he would handle DiBono personally and become his partner. But
DiBono was up to his old tricks – double-dealing. He had obviously
been bullshitting John. So when John called Louie in for meetings to
discuss their new partnership, DiBono didn't show up. John was

"This meant an automatic death penalty. John gave the contract to
DiBono's captain, Pat Conte. Conte botched an ideal opportunity to kill
DiBono. Then, as Gotti grew increasingly impatient, Conte explained that
the problem now was trying to corner DiBono again. Whenever a meeting
with him was arranged, DiBono never appeared.

"It was a joke, what was going on. I couldn't help laughing to myself. I
told John why didn't Pat simplify everything. Just call Louie up and
tell him to hang himself. Ten months went by. John looks like an
asshole. He was too embarrassed even to ask me for help."

Another contractor, unaware of DiBono's predicament, innocently provided
Gravano with DiBono's whereabouts. Gravano quickly relayed the
information to Gotti and within days, DiBono's body was found inside his
car parked in the World Trade Center parking lot.

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