At the feet of the "Twin Towers", actually the World Trade Center, rests
the bodies of yet an undetermined number of people - and underneath
further down into the tunnels beneath is billions of dollars of pure
gold - the FBI used to brag about this field of gold some two football
fields long and wide?   So much for the Ever Vigilant Eye on the back of
the dollar bill ....

This man Larry Silverstein - in this item leaves Israel in disgust - for
this man was working to get control of the World Trade Center and got
the 99 year lease while all the time he was reported to be in Israel, a
New Yorker - failed to mention his gambling temples about and his
locations in Florida and about .......and all that arab gold at the
bottom, of the world trade center?

Well Silverstein left Israel in disgust....but suddenly his old friend
Sharon manipulates a mini war - Ehud Barak is diposed and Sharon, "the
fat slob" as the Palestinians call him, is in place....

End result of all this garbage and see the connections - someone did not
get what they wanted for Silverstein had big dreams and now will all be
at the expense of the American people?

Do you think these bastards give a good god damn about those bodies at
the bottom of the rubbish at this Center?

The next day Silverstein, the casino owner, the great humanitarian (???)
for believe me that guy has probably shelled a lot of big bucks to pull
this off - do you think this man cares - for the next day he had plans
on the drawing board to build a brand new World Trade Center only this
time, four buildings as he always wanted.

Not noticed by many, but by me in particular - noted those planes hit at
the Fitzgerald level and I thought of the Fitzgerald curse and John
Fitzgerald Kennedy for you know, Sirhan Sirhan, the little Jordanian who
was brought over here by Christian Zionists - a Church - well he kept
calling Robert Francis Kennedy, Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy....shades of
King Og.

Note the Israelis wanted no part of this man - he left Israel in
disgust......Rabbis had protested this man's actions too.

But as Sharon said, he had the matches the Arabs had the Oil - but these
two bastards, Silverstein and Dr. Irvining Moskowitz did they set it off
for they are prepared now for American to lay themselves doon and dee
for whom and for what?

Remember little Sirhan on May 18 he had this one particular diary entry
- was not this the one that said RFK MUST DIE,  Robert Fitzgerald
Kennedy must die......
Maybe this name is a trigger to some for Remember John Fitzgerald
Kennedy Sr. and John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr., and the USS Liberty,

What was it John Edgar Hoover called the communists - Masters of Deceit?

Israel has big guns and a big mouth - but it was American which was hit
- for there is a Contract on America and if this chicken crap Congress
and Senate do not wake up to the truth - well money talks?  Right?
These bastards will destroy the State of Israel to take it over - but
that seems to be part of the Master Plan as the Doomsdayers go about
their merry way all under a CONTROL.....i.e. Littleton?  And do not
forget the Fiery Flying Serpent flag, of one David
Kore(sh).......messengers from hell.


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