-Caveat Lector-

Here's an interesting description on another international alphabet group
(BIS Bank for International Settlements).  --MS


BIS coordinating suspects list after U.S. attacks (1)

Source: RTR_NA - Reuters North American Securities News
Sep 26 11:07

BASEL, Switzerland, Sept 26 (Reuters) - The Bank for International
Settlements said on Wednesday it is pulling together lists of possible
suspects in the hunt for people linked to attacks on U.S. landmarks.

    The BIS, a bank and forum for the world's central banks, will
distribute the list to major central banks and regulators.

    "It is true that the BIS has been assisting national central banks and
supervisors at their request to consolidate a list of suspected terrorists
provided by national police and intelligence authorities," a BIS
spokeswoman said.

    She said the BIS was coordinating the effort in order to spare
individual central banks the need to check multiple, repetitive lists.

    "All the names provided have come from the national police and
intelligence authorities," the spokeswoman said, noting the BIS had not
added any names to the list.

    Once the list is complete, it will be sent "to a limited number" of
central banks and supervisory authorities in Group of 10 (G10) and European
countries, she said, but added it was too early to say how long it would
take to complete the roster.

    The G10 actually comprises 11 countries: Belgium, Britain, Canada,
France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United States
and Switzerland.

    It is an unusual job for the Basel-based BIS, whose international role
has traditionally been more tied to strictly financial tasks, such as
helping to administer multilateral rescue packages for debtor countries.

    The BIS was originally set up in neutral Switzerland in 1930 to
facilitate German reparations after World War I.

    It is also the headquarters for the Basel Committee on Banking
Supervision, chaired by New York Federal Reserve President William
McDonough. The Basel Committee sets global standards and practices for the
banking industry.

    ((Zurich newsroom, tel +41 1 631 73 40, fax +41 1 251 04 76, email:

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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