-Caveat Lector-

Something here made me wonder - this anthrax and the process these
gentleman are alleged to use.

How easy it would be to put these germs in cocaine and opium,

Now in this one book as I have mentioned before, dated 1930 over 70
years ago, it told how cocaine users had breakdown in immune systems due
to "sharing needles".....and this AIDS is nothing new, except this new
AIDS - is man made.

And to tell the truth I would not want either of the two men mentioned
in the story to have anything to do with our government for there job in
the past was to make this stuff to murder people.

Now I find this interesting - who hired this one guy in particular to do
this stuff.

Isn't it bad enough our children read and see where babies are killed
before they draw the first breath of life and now they read and here
where someone wants to kill them by breathing spores from anthrax.

What kind of monsters do we have running this government and what honor
can come from a war against Afghanistan for this is what it is - Muslims
are no longer turning the other cheek and not quite to easily led to
murder other Muslims.

The very fact that Israel is stil on the map is reason enough to know,
that Arabs have no interest there.

Who are these terrorist groups for when Israel and Palestinians attempt
to make peace these suicide bombers come in - who are they, really and
then ask the always asked question - cui bono?

This is Christian Zionist conspiracy - and this takes in the black ops
which are the Mafia ......

And George Bush is not Lawrence of Arabia and Ariel Sharon is not Orde
Wingate - but now it seems we have a real hero in the making, a legend
in his own time.....Osama bin Laden, the little man who is not there.

Take away his money and you have a poor pope.


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