-Caveat Lector-

Monday, Oct. 29, 2001 12:57 p.m. EST

FBI Missed White Powder in Atta's Car

FBI investigators performing anthrax tests on vehicles used by
kamikaze terror pilot Mohamed Atta failed to discover a suspicious
spot of white powder in a rental car he used just two days before the
Sept. 11 attacks.

A Pompano Beach rent-a-car company owner told the Miami Herald
Monday that Atta had rented the 1995 Ford Escort twice - once in
August and again in September.

When the kamikaze terror pilot returned the vehicle, its trunk
contained a "teaspoon" of unidentified powder, he told the paper.
"I don't know what [the powder] is," said Bradley G. Warrick, 48,
owner of Warrick Rent-A-Car and Budget Truck Rental.  "I don't
know if it's anything I need to be concerned about."

The 1995 Escort had been in FBI custody for two weeks after the
attacks, but went unchecked for anthrax during that time.

Warrick told the Herald he hadn't alerted the bureau to the white
powder in Atta's vehicle earlier because he assumed they had
discovered it on their own and analyzed it.

But FBI Miami spokeswoman Judy Orihuela was surprised to hear
about the white powder. "We were not called out on that," she told
the paper.  "I find it hard to believe."

Over the weekend the FBI examined two cars owned by Atta and
another hijacker after reports surfaced revealing investigators had
failed to do so.  Both vehicles tested negative for presence of the
deadly bacterium.

Based on the negative test results for the two vehicles, investigators
had decided not to test Atta's Florida residence for anthrax.
But that decision is expected to change in the wake of news of the
suspicious powder in Atta's rental car.

"There's no way to rule innocent men. The only
power government has is the power to crack down on
criminals. When there aren't enough criminals, one
makes them. One declares so many things to be a
crime that it becomes impossible for men to live
without breaking laws."
-- Ayn Rand

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