-Caveat Lector-

So Dewhurst was really out-smarted on this one.

Way back when Barry Goldwater ran for President,  the Columbus Dispatch
came out in the afternoon with two front page stories, and carried the

Harpo Marx had died - the one with the blonde Afro Cub?    And Barry
Goldwater was coming to town - I sat at the local Democrat Headquarters
where I often donated my vacation time working there....

In walked the Boss, laughing and tossed down the all Republican Ohio
Greatest Home Newspaper and he said "think we don't have friends in low

And there is was, a huge picture of Harpo Marx, and underneath it said
"Barry Goldwater to appear here tonight.

And there was a picture of white haired Barry Goldwater, and these were
big two coumn pictures - under Goldwater pictures it said "Harpo Marx

It was the first time in the history of the great newspaper papers were
picke up all over town, but not before thousands were sold no doubt.

Still got mine buried here somewhere but I will NEVER forget that
day....the newspaper was a really gung ho one sided paper then, at least
this is what I thought - and I hope they never found the guy who
switched the pictures.

But this picture with the German Officer - they have outdone
themselves........ the more you think of it the funnier it gets, for
this new Attorney General, now I know why I do not like him - he looks
like a fascist pig.

My apologies, to the pig.


Bet the Bush burned on this one.

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