-Caveat Lector-

Thanks Dale,





I am publishing this information now in its incomplete form because the
current pedophile ticket of BUSH/CHENEY represents a threat to the national
security of these UNITED STATES.

Pedophiles of the ruling class are honored as our future leaders while we are
herded like cattle into NEW WORLD ORDER. Unlike the American voters, it
appears that pedophile GERALD FORD has not suffered any brain damage from his
two minor strokes at the Republican convention in PHILADELPHIA.


My decision to serve as a volunteer for LINDA WIEGAND in her effort to regain
custody of her two boys in CONNECTICUT (CT) from her 'accused' pedophile
ex-husband, THOMAS WILKINSON (TW) has led me into a labyrinthine world of
judicial and political corruption with many tantalizing links to a national
pedophile network closely identified with BUSH family.

This article is a follow up to my previous publication about the BO GRITZ
trial and the FBI effort to frame him for conspiracy to kidnap LINDA's
children, in effect to achieve the same result in NEBRASKA, where according
to JOHN DECAMP, some 15 people close to investigation of THE FRANKLIN COVER
UP died, many of them violently. The result was to silence some witnesses,
coerce others to change their testimony, and with death of private
investigator, GARY CARADORI and his son in a fatal air crash JUL 11 1990, end
the NEBRASKA state legislature's investigation into the homosexual
prostitution ring being run thru BOYS TOWN by REAGAN/BUSH political
associate, LAWRENCE E. (LARRY) KING, JR. (not the radio announcer).

Notwithstanding, FBI and judicial corruption to suppress evidence of GEORGE
presence at sex parties organized by KING in CHICAGO and WASH DC, in FEB 1999
PAUL BONNACCI won a $1 million civil judgment against KING for satanic ritual
and sexual abuse.


The national media, of course, did not report this astounding ruling. It was
not appealed by KING to keep a publicity lid on this sensitive issue,
allegedly under pressure from BUSH family political interests. How such a
news story might be managed is not too difficult to imagine when you consider
that WALLSTREET's favorite pedo- phile, WARREN BUFFETT, was on BOARD of

WARREN BUFFETT, ironically, forms one of several links between NEBRASKA and
CONNECTICUT in what appears to be a national pedophile network. The POST
parent company owns channel 5 in HARTFORD, CT where the BO GRITZ trial was
underrreported and then virtually ignored when he and his co-defendant were
found not guilty.

Had he been found guilty as intended by the ruling class, the head of BO
GRITZ would have been mounted on a pole and paraded from coast to coast by
the toadies of the CIA controlled press.
Please note, that BO GRITZ was one of the first people to expose drug running
operations of the CIA and NEW WORLD ORDER business interests.

For example, he helped expose RICHARD ARMITAGE, assistant to FRANK CARLUCCI,
BUSH left as DIRECTOR in 1976, for his involvement with gun running and drug
Today he is an advisor to GOVERNOR BUSH.


The media cover up of this pedophile network in CONNECTICUT continues with
recent purchase of HARTFORD COURANT by CHICAGO based, TRIBUNE CORP. Its
PRESIDENT/CE) is CFR member.

The COURANT was effectively silenced as a voice of objective news reporting
when it settled out of court to pay TW's pitbull lawyer, LOUIS KIEFER, a
reported judgment of $300,000 ( in 1997 or 1998, I believe). Thereafter they
avoided mentioning name of TW and repeated the mantra that no court had
proven LINDA WIEGAND's allegations, while ignoring the legal manipulations of
KIEFER to keep the testimony and allegations of her two boys ot of court.

The trial in ENFIELD was reported more objectively in the small town
newspaper, THE JOURNAL. When the results of the MASSAMENO REPORT were posted
on INTERNET, the COURANT stopped repeating that particular lie because the
STATE's ATTORNEY investigation concluded that LINDA's credibility was greater
than that of TW. She had passed a lie detector test counteracting TW
allegations that she coached boys to make up stories, and assistant
prosecutor JOHN MASSAMENO concluded TW should be prosecuted.


Despite, or maybe because of, MASSAMENO's conclusions STATE ATTORNEY JOHN
THOMAS, appointed by GOVERNOR JOHN ROWLAND, announced in DEC 1998 that TW
would not be prosecuted and sealed report from public scrutiny without
explanation or justification. ROWLAND, a REPUBLICAN, is a BUSH family
cheerleader; last year while in FLORIDA he suggested he might be GOVERNOR
BUSH's running mate.

How can one explain the high level of political influence and protection
received by TW? One common thread that I found is the insurance industry
which is now due to recent CLINTON approved legislation is more closely
linked to corporate bank interests than ever.

strong support to plans by international bankers to end limitations of
GLASS-SEGAL ACT (1933). Newly formed CITIGROUP, owned 10% by BERKSHIRE
HATHAWAY/BUFFETT, benefitted greatly from this deregulation of financial

The ROWLAND family has been in the insurance business for several
generations, HARTFORD is considered by many to be the insurance capital of
the world (HARTFORD FINANCIAL SERVICES boasts $165 BILLION in assets), and
the father of TW, ROBERT WILKINSON (RW ret.) was general counsel for ALLSTATE
INSURANCE. Without proof, I can only conjecture that RW used his influence in
HARTFORD to secure judge favorable to his son.

Last year billionaire WARREN BUFFETT, president and CEO of BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY
purchased CT/STAMFORD-based GENERAL RE, the largest reinsurance company in
the USA. Thus he has a big financial stake in that state, and while certain
people like ROWLAND may not be pedophiles, they do not want to upset the
financial marketplace with the truth.

Another interesting link is formed by WALTER BERMAN, WASH DC lobbyist and
major fundraiser for GOV BUSH in CT in part thru annual PRESCOTT BUSH DINNER
held by state Republican Party. He was being interviewed by FBI as part of
its investigation of former state treasurer SILVESTRI and his investment of
state pension funds with political friends like CARLYLE GROUP, which includes
GBUSH, SR as advisor and FRANK CARLUCCI as well as JAMES BAKER, III on its

BERMAN would pick up D'AMATO as business partner after latter left SENATE.


GOVERNOR ROWLAND has another serious conflict of interest in this matter: as
former lobbyist for UNITED TECHNOLOGIES (UT), which is on COUNCIL OF FORIEGN
RELATIONS corporate membership list, he would have had an interest in
instructing THOMAS to not prosecute TW who is employed by HAMILTON
SUNDSTRAND, a subsidiary of UT, the largest employer in this state. Its
PRESIDENT/CEO GLENN DAVID is CFR member and major cheerleader for global
economy as member of INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS which includes the
likes of AIG billionaire HANK GREENBERG

The fact is: the truth about pedophilia is not good for corporate AMERIKA.
Some WALLSTREET insiders have even dared to criticize what appears to be an
unfair advantage given to WARREN BUFFETT by the SECURITIES EXCHANGE
COMMISSION. He and a few chosen others are not required to publicly
acknowledge their vested interest in pending stock deals, giving them a
hidden advantage to manipulate value of stock.

Since corporate interests typically own and control both Democratic and
Republican parties, ( both SENATORS JOE BIDEN and CHRIS DODD are DEMOCRAPS
and BILDERBERGERS), it would not be too difficult to imagine how
judges/lawyers appointed by governors decide the law to protect those
corporate interests.


When JOHN MASSAMENO threatened to call a press conference in FEB 2000 unless
PROSECUTOR JOHN MALONE released his report to defense, it was released to BO
GRITZ attorney, and sealed again by JUDGE NICOLA RUBINOW to continue cover up
of children's allegations against TW.

As a very young judge assigned to her first criminal case in BO GRITZ trial
and niece of senior JUDGE JAY RUBINOW, the question must be raised: whose
agenda did she serve by sealing MASSAMENO REPORT? Who arranged for her to be
appointed to this case and rule against defense motion to subpoena JOHN
MASSAMENO to testify in GRITZ trial?

Perhaps the most significant fact achieved by this cover up of judicial
corruption was the sealing of the boys taped testimony to court appointed
psychiatrist, DR. KEN ROBSON of THE INSTITUTE FOR LIVING. According to
MASSAMENO REPORT, tapes were sealed because they contained allegations of
sexual abuse by boys against TW, a fact readily admitted by ROBSON.

LINDA claims there is a payoff network between judges, lawyers, clients
accused of sexual abuse,
and court appointed psychiatrists in CONNECTICUT ( DRs BLACK, DAVID MANTELL,
and KEN ROBSON) to cover up this pedophile network.

In support of this allegation, I can only offer indirect confirmation: LOUIS
KIEFER, TW lawyer,
includes notorious DR RALPH UNDERWAGER in his his list of recommended expert
witnesses to testify for clients accused of being child molesters.
FOUNDATION created by CIA/MKULTRA mind controllers DRS LOUIS WEST and MARTIN
ORNE to suppress evidence gathered by regressed hypnosis. How KIEFER is
connected to this larger network remains unknown.

Fortunately, UNDERWAGER, who has testified in FRANCE for CHILDREN OF GOD cult
charged with child prostitution, outraged even his own supporters when in an
interview with PAIDIKA, a DUTCH pedophile magazine, he encouraged pedophiles
to come out of closet and show the world that their love for children was no
different from GOD's love for children.

Apparently he was speaking as a Christian minister (Escopalian) and from his
heart, be that as it may! He was pressured to resign from FMSF
BOARD of ADVISERS, but his wife, DR. HOLLIDA WAKEFIELD, more circumspect in
same interview, remains on this BOARD.

Again these links might appear to be rather tenuous to the skeptical, and
would not stand up in a court of law, but in the court of public opinion, I
believe these 'coincidences' should be further explored to find more evidence
of this national pedophile network. The CHILDREN of GOD cult was very active
in CHILE during PINOCHET regime, and it sang at WHITE HOUSE during BUSH
presidency; perhaps that is why CIA PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH wrote to government
in ENGLAND asking for clemency for fascist GENERAL PINOCHET.

Evidence of BUSH/CLINTON alliance in NEW WORLD ORDER, in matters really
sensitive, was manifested when CLINTON refused to release to SPANISH judge
seeking to prosecute PINOCHET
certain CIA documents that would have implicated GBUSH involvement with
while CIA DIRECTOR. This assassination hit team was organized by PINOCHET to
kill leftists like LETALIER and TOWNLEY in WASH DC.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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