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From: "Remy C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "End Secrecy List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [endsecrecy] Ignored Warnings of WTC attacks
Date: Saturday, October 27, 2001 7:18 PM

American Patriot Friends Network
APFN@ apfn.org

Sun, 21 Oct 2001

David Schippers tells Metcalf feds 'ignored' warnings of WTC attacks

Middle East-OKC connection David Schippers tells Metcalf feds 'ignored'
warnings of WTC attacks

     Editor's Note: House impeachment attorney David
     Schippers recently discussed on Geoff Metcalf's daily
     Internet talk show evidence linking Middle Eastern
     terrorists to both the Oklahoma City bombing and the
     downing of TWA Flight 800. Author of the explosive
     bestseller, "Sellout: The Inside Story of President
     Clinton's Impeachment," Schippers prosecuted the
     House of Representatives' case against Bill Clinton.
     According to Schippers, investigative reporter Jayna
     Davis has compelling evidence indicating the
     government knew in February 1995 about Middle
     Eastern terrorists operating in Oklahoma City,
     planning the bombing in that city, the demise of TWA
     Flight 800 and the World Trade Center attacks. To
     this day, says Schippers, the FBI refuses even to take
     possession of the evidence.

     Metcalf's daily streaming radio show can be heard on
     TalkNetDaily weekdays from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern time.

     By Geoff Metcalf
     © 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

     Q: David, why don't we start off with you
     explaining who Jayna Davis is and how you got
     involved with her?

     A: This is a strange story. At the time of the
     April 19, 1995, Oklahoma City bombing, Jayna
     Davis was an investigative reporter for, I think it
     was a CBS outlet down there.

     Q: It was an NBC station, KFOR-TV.

     A: OK, NBC in Oklahoma City. She
     immediately began an investigation to
     determine whether or not there was any
     Mideastern connection. At the time, she started
     out probably within minutes of the explosion,
     and she did a job the likes of which I have never
     seen. This woman is probably one of the
     greatest investigators I've ever worked with.
     After I came back from Washington, a lot of
     people wrote me letters. Some of them were
     complimentary – some of them were not
     complimentary. In fact, some of them were
     anything but complimentary. However, she
     wrote me a letter and made some statement like,
     "I have information about the Oklahoma City
     bombing and a Middle Eastern connection."

     Q: And what was your reaction?

     A: Well, very honestly, I just kind of put it
     aside. I wrote everybody back that sent
     something with a return address, and it was just
     kind of "thank you very much," and so on and
     so forth. She wrote back and enclosed some
     material from her investigation. She asked that I
     just "…please read this and call me." I read it,
     and then I did call her. She said, "You've just
     seen the tip of the iceberg. I have a lot more.
     Would you be interested in looking at it?" I told
     her, "Why don't you go to the FBI or to the
     people who are interested?"

     Q: Guess what, David?

     A: Yeah, she said, "I went to the FBI with
     everything I have here, and they refused to take
     it." This was long before the McVeigh trial. So I
     said, "Why don't you send it up to me?" She
     said, "I'm not going to send it up. I will bring it
     up." So she and her husband – and they are not
     rich people – got on an airplane and flew up
     here to Chicago. They brought three large – I
     mean thick, probably six-inch thick binders –
     and a tape of all her material that she had aired
     during the course of her investigation. The tape
     itself is fascinating. And it showed me that there
     was something more than just the usual crazy
     what do you call it …

     Q: Conspiracy theory?

     A: Yes. In fact, that was my first thought. "Here
     we go again," you know. Another goofy
     conspiracy theory saying it was a big conspiracy
     and saying the CIA was involved and all that
     type of stuff.

     Q: And?

     A: When she brought that stuff up, and I started
     reading it – these were not just dreams. These
     were affidavits from people. I saw the warning
     that was issued about the bombing. I saw the
     affidavits. I saw evidence that there were nine
     security cameras that picked up the people
     running from the place before the bombing. I
     found out that the FBI had seized all those films,
     and no one has ever seen them. That's how I got
     to meet her and to know her. This woman is not
     a nut by a long shot.

     Q: Here's the fascinating thing that is so
     flummoxing. Those of us who suffered through
     the dark ages of the Clinton regime understand
     why his administration might or probably was
     diffident to share that kind of information.
     However, there's a new sheriff in town. How
     come the Ashcroft Justice Department isn't on
     this data like white on rice. I mean, David,
     they're taking FBI reports from people in Des
     Moines who say their neighbor looks weird!

     A: Yes, unfortunately, that's what they are
     doing. They are going around talking to all
     these people. Some of my friends who are
     federal agents have been told to stay away from
     this. They are looking in all the wrong places for
     all the wrong things. I am thoroughly
     convinced, based upon the material I have
     received from Jayna, based upon the things told
     to my agent friends – nothing that is secure or
     top secret, but purely from material that's
     available to anyone who wants to look for it – I
     am thoroughly convinced that there was a
     dead-bang Middle Eastern connection in the
     Oklahoma City bombing. I think bin Laden was
     behind it. I think that there were Middle Eastern
     people on the scene running away.

     Q: At the time of the bombing, I heard these
     same kinds of reports coming out about a
     potential Middle Eastern connection, and
     Strassmeir and the all the mysterious John Does.
     At the time, one of the arguments was, well wait
     a minute, if terrorists did it, terrorists do bad
     stuff so that they can take credit for it. And if
     they were involved in the Oklahoma City
     bombing, why aren't they jumping up and
     bragging, "See what we did to the great Satan?
     See what we did!"

     A: They still haven't done it on the [WTC]
     towers, have they?

     Q: I was waiting for you to say that. Thank you.

     A: Bin Laden came close to saying it. He came
     close. I think their attitude is, the people who
     count know who did it. At the time, I didn't
     think so much of it – I'm talking about
     1999-2000, before the election. But now I can
     understand why it was vital to the Clinton
     administration not to have …


Oklahoma City Bombing Cover-Up

Bush and Cheny in intimate business contact with the real prime
suspects of the WTC/Pentagon crashbombing frame-up


The Mailer "To Help Save The World" — rich sheridan, Sun Oct 21 16:46

The National Intelligence Council
The National Intelligence Council (NIC) manages the Intelligence Community's
estimative process, incorporating the best availble expertise inside
and outside the government. It reports to the Director of Central
Intelligence in his capacity as head of the US Intelligence
Community and speaks authoritatively on substantive issues for
The Persian Gulf region—absent a major war—will see large increases in
oil production capacity and will rise in its overall importance to the
world energy market. Other areas of the world—including Russia, coastal
West Africa, and  Greenland—will also increase their role in global
energy markets. Russia and the Middle East account for three-quarters
of known gas reserves.

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