-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Kashmir dispute boiling over
Report: Nuclear India, Pakistan close to flashpoint in Afghan war spillover



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Escalating border clashes, incursions and a massive Indian army buildup on
the Line of Control in the disputed province of Kashmir in the last 48 hours
are some of the most threatening side-effects of the Afghan war, bringing two
nuclear powers close to flashpoint.

Early this morning, a senior diplomatic mission arrived in Kabul, the first
since the Taliban seized the Afghan capital in 1996, and closed the Indian
embassy. In addition to a special envoy for Afghanistan, Satinder Lambah and
his staff, the mission includes a group of military doctors and nurses. Lamba
will meet Northern Alliance and other Afghan leaders before returning to
India. India has already established a field hospital on the Tajik-Afghan
border and looks forward to restoring its "historic ties" with Afghanistan,
the third country after Russia and Iran to send diplomats to Kabul.

According to DEBKAfile's sources on the Indian subcontinent, the Indian army
is holding its heavily boosted military force in offensive posture opposite
the Pakistani army in Kashmir.

As seen from New Delhi, Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf's grip on
government is wobbling dangerously since the setback to his policies
administered by the Northern Alliance's grand sweep of most of Afghanistan.
Indian intelligence reports officers of the pro-Taliban Pakistani
Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) as plotting to oust him. Indian defense
minister George Fernandes warned recently that Pakistan's involvement in the
anti-Taliban conflict would not only destabilize its society and army, but
rock the country's foundations dangerously. To fight his way out of this
corner, Musharraf may resort to stepping up Pakistan-backed Islamic terrorist
attacks in Kashmir, or outright invasion, deliberately triggering war with
India to deflect popular disaffection.

DEBKAfile's Indian military sources report Indian prime minister Atal Bihari
Vajpayee as poised on the brink of initiating wide-scale military action
against Pakistan, pre-emptively or not, after declaring India to be in a
situation of "zero military tolerance."

His words are matched by action. Large-scale Indian assault units have been
moved to Kashmir to reinforce its defensive Holding Corps. India's 21 Strike
Force, comprising mainly the 33rd armored division, has advanced towards
Akhnoor in the Jammu region, where the Indian forward command post is already
located. The division was reinforced by two armored infantry brigades and
mechanized artillery units from main bases in Meerut and Mathura. In
addition, the Indians are transferring into Kashmir armored and infantry
brigades to transform 16 Corps at Nagrauta in Jammu, 15 Corps at Badami Bagh,
Srinagar and 14 Corps at Nimmu and Leh from defensive to attack forces.

Indian military sources told DEBKAfile that these movements amount in
practical terms to a full Indian war alert in Kashmir.

As it is, the daily shelling by Pakistan and India could at any moment ignite
the entire front in a flash, drawing a powerful Indian military response
irrespective of the state of the Afghanistan war.

Today, Indian border guards killed a dozen guerrillas crossing from Pakistan
into the Pakistan side of Kashmir, at Ramgarh, 40 miles from the state’s
winter capital Jammu. According to an Indian spokesman, the men were "Muslim
terrorists." A few hours later, an Indian Special Operations Group of the
local police gunned down two top commanders of the Pakistan-based Al-Badr
unit, including its operational chief, Hafiz Ahsan Ali, called "Nayeem" in a
raid on the outskirts of Srinagar.

Both sides report exchanges of fire along the entire international border.
Pakistani "Chenab Rangers" claim success in foiling Indian security attempts
to erect an electronic fence along the boundary at three points. This fence
was designed for the Indian army by Israeli experts as part of the defense
exchanges between the two countries. A senior Israeli defense delegation is
due in New Delhi before the end of the month.

India's leaders believe that the United States, pinned down as it is by the
Afghanistan stalemate, is in no position to tie India's hands and force it to
desist from military action. In any case, as the Indian prime minister told
President George W. Bush in the White House on Nov. 9, India holds America
responsible for rendering an outbreak of Pakistani-Indian war hostilities
virtually inevitable by taking Pakistan as its senior partner in the war in
Afghanistan, although India was one of the first countries to side with the
American anti-terror drive.

In the face of this charge -- and since the wheel of war has turned against
the Taliban -- the United States has become more receptive to New Delhi's
point of view.

"A terrorist is a terrorist," said U.S. ambassador Robert Blackwill today in
the Indian capital when asked how Washington regarded Pakistani support for
militants fighting Indian rule in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. "They are
not freedom fighters," the ambassador stressed. "No country will be permitted
to provide sanctuaries to terrorists." Blackwill announced the U.S. and India
were on the cusp of a "major relationship" entailing resumed defense
cooperation, disrupted by India’s nuclear tests in 1998, as well as arms
sales, joint exercises, counter-terrorism measures and shared intelligence.

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