-Caveat Lector-

On 15 Jan 02, at 13:47, eric stewart wrote:

> is india still trying, like its israeli and american role models, to
> maintain a mandate for war?

Probably.  It's the remnant of the Britlandic colonial imperialistic
way of thinking.  I heard that India has some contention about
Pakistan being a legitimate country in view of the fact that it was
just one country up until Mountbatten carved up the territory in the
40ies.  Thus, Kashmir remains the flashpoint in that its status was
undecided following the divvying up of the land.  Plus with the
attack on its parliament building, they can attribute the same causes
and sources as those going on in Afghanland, with the Pakistanis (and
the ISI) supporting and fomenting discord through
Islamacisticalities.  Pakistan: the rest stop for everyone else's
armies on their way to war.

War is like any other human pursuit; it brings status and the
reptilians are wont for determining who's the first dog to the fire
plug.  And it gives such a rush of adrenalin when there are sweaty,
dirty, bloody bodies to count (on both sides).  All the serfs rushing
off to do battle at the direction of some policobureaucrat.  Fun!


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