-Caveat Lector-

we know what seems to be happening in the uSA -
we can get pictures of detention centres, and brave people
publishing and fingering established criminals, we get
rebellion, constitutions - but what about the UK ???

news of the soaps, sex, cricket and engerland soccer team -
thats about it ...

we know that the UK plan is probably simpler than the american one - the
yanks have things called guns - and a legitimate stance in law for a concept
called freedom -
but in the UK the all pervasive queen lizardbirth and her troops
have things much more tightly sewn up.
Not for us [imo] the spectacular end of big ben or the tower bridge followed
by red alert, troops and detention centres -
arguably - they have the population so tightly controlled in this zoned
little island by the use  of poverty and designed to kill social services
that there doesn't need to be the drastic 'american way' to martial law in
the UK.
Never the less the writing is on the wall in the UK for something going down
at some point.
here's how we can work it out.

The UK used to grow most of its food - but EC and UN and then Multinational
legislation closed the farms down - then thatcher then Blair destroyed the
rural economy to the point where its probably true to say that every farmer
and countryside worker has been put on some sort of red list.
Farmers like to protest.
The UK now has to import 90% of its food from places like the middle east
and third world growers and is Totally reliant on Imports - AND the
infrastructure, legal and physical to maintain rural farming has been
destroyed by the highest fuel prices on the planet - a strange set of
affairs when with the same oceanic oil reserves Norway by comparison is one
of the richest nation states on the planet - [where has all the profit gone
??? but that is an irrelevant question now - the bloated fatcats have had
their blood from the oil resources]
Now with fields formerly used to growing important staples being converted
in nature reserves - [and with maybe some double glazing and heating being
put into the old feudal castles :)] the countryside folks are being slowly
driven from their lands and being demonised by NWO legislation.

The United Kingdom then is only 3 days away from mass panic, and food queues
at any one time these days - and with new legislation recently implemented
to give reservists a role in 'homeland security' - it does seem that we may
only be -

1. a fuel strike
2. a nuclear strike [suitcase]
3. biological plague - makes more sense given the recent deaths
 of microbiological experts

away from a serious change in social status ...
maybe this axis of evil eg. saddaam has found a way of getting anthrax into
the UK -
there does appear to be anthrax in the UK black market being mixed into hard
drugs to kill people quickly.
Alas the Uk drug industry is a state franchise !!!

The united kingdom could be easily zoned by area detonation
of biological weapons by terrorists.
there are after all only a few basic arteries of communication
along which the supermarket lorries drive north south, east west.

3 or 4 batches of contaminated foods could start a massive scare and panic
in this small island - as the competition over the remaining pure stock
could get pretty severe - hence -
the need for martial law.

andrew hennessey

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