Sharon, IDF, Zinni, Arafat, Karine-A Ship
Posted By: TONZAL
Date: Monday, 18 February 2002, 11:11 p.m.

Sharon, IDF, Zinni, Arafat, Karine-A Ship

It is well known that the greatest threat to world security has always been the Middle-East, and the present Prime Minister of Israel Ariel Sharon and the leadership of the Israel Defense Force (IDF) is committed to fulfilling war plans against the Palestinian Authority and with whatever governments in the region and believed that what it is seeking to do is a just cause. Sharon is a pawn of a more sophisticated war game ambition, typified by the London cabal and strategic chaos players like Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samuel Huntington, Henry Kissinger and others who openly support the clash of civilizations blueprint.

Sharon's actions and the Sept. 11 event continues to threaten to erupt quickly a world war with devastating consequences for the entire planet, because Sharon has seized the opportunity to become the world's deceitful and leading suicide bomber. His very actions are aiming to provoke a religious warfare confrontation in the Middle-East that will surely cause the total annihilation of the state of Israel. Therefore, Sharon is taking steps to hasten the destruction of Israel for selfish gains by the cabal in London. (Information later surfaced in Nov. 2001 that on Sept. 10 President Bush Jr. was planning to give a speech on Sept. 11 to set into motion the implementation of a Palestinian state. His speech was deterred by the attack, but twenty-one days after he commented that the creation of a Palestinian state had always been part of the United States' vision for the Middle-East.)

Take for example, this recent incident: Just as Secretary of State Colin Powell's emissary General Anthony Zinni second visit back to the Middle-East, there was a so-called seizure of a ship loaded with weapons supposedly destined to the Palestinian Authority. These mysterious intrigue always seem to surface when serious efforts are being made to revive the peace talks. (Prime Minister Edward Barak was warned by the IDF during his peace talks with Arafat and President Clinton that if his effort results in a peace deal with Arafat, he is a dead man. And Barak said it himself in public, "They will kill me!" Rabin was killed over Oslo by the IDF, and every prime minister after him has been trying to undo the Oslo accords. If fact, Leah, Rabin's wife commented that her husband's assassination was an Israeli sponsored coup d'etat, because he had signed the Oslo accords. There have been several demonstrations in Israel from that point onward with comments like "STOP OSLO NOW!" And that Israel should not surrender to American pressure, meaning the Patriotic bloc Faction Two ambitions to bring about peace in the region.)

The IDF illogical behavior is from intrigues orchestrated by Faction One, and this has caused Sharon to find all sorts of targets to carry out threats on in the Arab world, against Lebanon and even the government of Iran. The seizure of the ship, the Karine-A, was supposedly carrying tons of weapons, including a new type of long range rocket that the Palestinians never before had access to. Regarding the incident, the Israelis knew in advance, every step of the way about the shipment and therefore, there was never any potential of those weapons to arrive in the hands of the Palestinians. There is reason to believe that secretly corrupted low or mid-level officials within the Palestinian Authority who supports the (IDF intrigues of the) Palestinian movement cooperated with IDF moles to attempt the purchase of such weapons. This raises the possibility that the IDF is seeking to assist these rotten officials in overthrowing Arafat. There is no indication to suggest that Arafat or any high-level officials were involved in the shipment of these weapons from Iran, who has never been a supporter of the Palestinian Authority. In fact, the Iranians have been enemies with Arafat and his leadership for a long time. Arafat pointed out in a series of interviews that these weapons can be purchased inside Israel, from the Israeli Mafia. Without doubt, there is every reason to believe that this sting operation was aimed at destroying the Middle-East peace process.

After Chairman Arafat had cracked down on the IDF terrorist network intrigues operating inside the Palestinian Authority and there was a period of three weeks of virtually no violence directed against targets inside Israel or occupied territories, Gen. Zinni was due to arrive when the Karine-A incident canceled his peace mission. Since the seizure of the ship, the Israeli government has used the incident as a pretext to carry out brutal attacks against the Palestinian Authority, triggering predictable response out of organizations like HAMAS. This Sharon-IDF creation terrorist gang has always been a weapon used to sabotage and destroy the peace process. A gang that Arafat's PLO cannot control, and the IDF cabal knows this.

After the Karine-A incident Sharon is making menacing noise directed at Iran, claiming that it represents the greatest threat to the stability of the region, and that Iran is a terror state, and cited evidence of the attempted delivery of the so-called arms to Arafat.

Some weeks ago, Arafat gave an interview on Egyptian television revealing that he has been conducting an investigation into the Karine-A story, and his report if verified, discredits further the Israeli propaganda and the Israeli war drive. He revealed in the interview that the Karine-A was owned by a Kurdish-Iraqi, but for at least several years the ship has been primarily used by an Israeli construction company to import equipment from Romania, and that the ship has been seen frequently in and out of port in Israel.

It's important for the Bush administration, the
governments of western Europe and others to put
maximum pressure on Sharon publicly to make sure that
Israeli war games do not plunge the Middle-East and
the entire world into a clash of civilizations
religious war conflict to take this planet back
decades or even generations to come. Arafat has
nothing to gain from a Mid-East war other than the
gift of a nomadic hord of peoples. And the only thing
that the Israelis have to gain is the destruction of
their beloved state, because they are starting a war
that they are not capable of winning.

PS: In the next few days or weeks I will post the
following information: Former banker Prescot Bush
money and coup plot; Bush Jr. is stupid, but Albert
Gore is evil: Read who turned the tide for the lesser
of two evils; Faction One is not interested in peace,
they want chaos; the IDF takes its orders from inside
London; America has no leadership; African massacrers
and who is behind them; who plotted the intrigue
against the U.N. inspectors in Iraq, etc.


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