-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

18 February 2002
Federalist Edition #02-08
Monday Brief

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Veritas Vos Liberabit
The Federalist Conservative e-Journal of Record
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The Foundation
Good News
ICTUS Imprimis
The Gipper
Opinion in Brief
Editorial Exegesis
Re: The Left
Political Futures
For the Record
Reader Comments
The Last Word


"Human happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected." --George


"Ultimately nations, like individuals, cannot depend upon each other,
but must depend upon themselves. Each one must work out its own
salvation. We have every desire to help.... While we desire always to
cooperate and to help, we are equally determined to be independent and
free. Right and truth and justice and humanitarian efforts will have
the moral support of this country all over the world. But we do not
wish to become involved in the political controversies of others."
--Calvin Coolidge


"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will
find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You
will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that
destroys at midday." (Psalm 91:4-6) ++ "Then Jesus was led by the
Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty
days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and
said, 'If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.'
Jesus answered, 'It is written: "Man does not live on bread alone, but
on every word that comes from the mouth of God".' Then the devil took
him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the
temple. 'If you are the Son of God,' he said, 'throw yourself down.
For it is written: "He will command his angels concerning you, and
they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike you
foot against a stone".' Jesus answered him, 'It is also written: "Do
not put the Lord your God to the test".' Again, the devil took him to
a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and
their splendor. 'All this I will give you,' he said, 'if you will bow
down and worship me.' Jesus said to him, 'Away from me, Satan! For it
is written: "Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only".' Then the
devil left him, and angels came and attended him." (Matthew: 4:1-11)


"The Founders believed that there was a God who brings down the mighty
and lifts up the poor. They relied upon this belief.... As you might
expect, this belief shaped their understanding of morality and
character, as well. They did not make the distinction between private
and public conduct that we do. ...If this seems hard to understand,
the problem lies with us, not our Founders. Our culture has forgotten
what the Founders knew...: The American experiment is a moral, not
just a political, exercise. And as such, it assumes certain things to
be true about human nature and ... about the authority of the God of
the Bible. But these beliefs run contrary to our culture's worldviews.
And that's why the ordered liberty envisioned by the Founders has
degenerated into a demand for personal autonomy that asks nothing of
its citizens, not even their virtue. ...[P]rivate virtue, rooted in
biblical faith, is essential for the American experiment to work as
the Founders intended. And, it's vital that Christians understand this
often-ignored 'wing' on which our way of life depends. The wing that
teaches us that, without virtue, there can be no greatness." --Charles


"Medical experts, lawyers and government health officials know there
is no practical distinction that one can make between the Latin word
'fetus' and the English word 'baby.' They are one and the same.
Abortion providers and their mouthpieces in the feminist movement use
the word fetus to confuse us and protect their profits. We use it to
hide from the truth and protect our consciences." --Jane Chastain


"The immigration 'problem' in America today is not a question of
numbers, but of our failure effectively to welcome those who do come
by educating them in American principles, and evoking their real
commitment of heart to the unique American way of life that represents
a hope for the destiny of the world. We have largely abandoned the
process of educating newcomers in the special principles of the
American way of life. This failure, of course, is the natural result
of the even deeper problem of our own retreat from these principles --
for how can we demand of newcomers what we scarcely acknowledge in
ourselves? Our own schools have retreated from our commitment to that
special understanding of principle, of human dignity, of human justice
and of free enterprise that constitute our unique identity and
represent a universal appeal for the world." --Alan Keyes


"The dangers facing America in this new era cannot be overstated. Our
national security and our economic well-being have been shaken. The
prospects for the future of liberty and prosperity seem uncertain. No
one challenges the need to protect American citizens from further
terrorist attacks, but we must be very careful before we relinquish
more of our personal liberty here at home. We must consider whether
our efforts overseas might escalate the crisis and actually
precipitate more violence. A growing number of Americans are becoming
concerned that the war on terror will have the unintended consequence
of permanently damaging our constitutionally protected liberties."
--Rep. Ron Paul


"It would be cultural condescension, or worse, to say that any people
prefer dictatorship to democracy. Who would voluntarily choose not to
have the right to vote, decide to purchase government propaganda
handouts instead of independent newspapers, prefer government- to
worker-controlled unions, opt for land to be owned by the state
instead of those who till it, want government repression of religious
liberty, a single political party instead of a free choice, a rigid
cultural orthodoxy instead of democratic tolerance and diversity?"
--Ronald Reagan


"Know who you owe. Every American owes the military, and we should pay
them a fair wage without grudging editorials. NBC owes everything to
the country that birthed and continues to protect it, and it should
not have drained the color from its bird just as the world arrived in
Salt Lake. And the USOC and its corporate sponsors owed not just the
athletes but every American -- each one of whom owns a share in the
symbolism of the 9-11 flag -- a duty to stand up and say 'No' to IOC
meddlers and spin doctors." --Hugh Hewitt


"Anyone interested in the protection of free speech should pay close
attention ... to the machinations in the U.S. House of
Representatives. ... debating the Shays-Meehan campaign-finance
'reform' bill, which might be more truthfully characterized as an
incumbent-protection device. Evidently, a House re-election rate of 98
percent isn't high enough for this crowd. Now it seems determined to
establish even more roadblocks for challengers. The most notable
feature of Shays-Meehan is a ban on soft-money contributions to
national political party committees by corporations, labor unions and
individuals. In addition to financing party-building activities, soft
money has become a major source of funding for issue advertising. In
the past decade, issue ads have emerged as an important means of
communication between political parties and the electorate. During the
1999-2000 election cycle, soft money totaled just about $500 million,
which was evenly divided between the two major parties. The bill isn't
enough to emasculate the parties, but Shays-Meehan silences certain
interest groups by drastically limiting their ability to communicate
their political views with their own issue ads precisely when those
views matter most -- on the eve of an election. ...Soft money did not
corrupt politics and policy. It is not the problem. Nor is the
information provided by issue ads. Conversely, as the Clinton-Gore
administration demonstrated repeatedly, politicians willing to peddle
their power to the highest political bidder -- even if that bidder
risks U.S. national security, as Loral Space and Communications Corp.
did with its unauthorized transfer of ballistic-missile technology to
communist China -- are the most corrupt factors in American politics.
Too bad Shays-Meehan, in its misguided attack on the means of
broadcasting indispensable political information, ignores the blight
of political corruption." --Washington Times


"The budget Mr. Bush proposed ... deserves kudos for clarity of
purpose. It is a serious budget for a serious war -- a just war that
must be fought, won and paid for. The feckless and spineless appear to
prefer a superficial war. Superficial war was the coin of the last
administration. Bill Clinton offered bombast, declaring war against
terrorism in 1998. Was that rhetorical excess? A more apt description
is words without deeds. September 11 demonstrates that the price for
waging a superficial war is stiff." --Austin Bay


"And I hope that at the end of the day, we will all do the right thing
for the children of America. If we are not going to leave any child
behind, then let us demonstrate that we will use this unique moment in
history to respect our values and have the vision to secure our
children's future and their own unique American dreams. We, as a
nation, have worked so hard to get to the point, to have this
rendezvous with responsibility. I hope that we will respond to the
'call to leadership' in a way that honors our parents and provides for
our children." --Sen. Ms. Hillary Rodham-Clinton

Memo to New York: "They have harmed our children by teaching them
things through their actions -- that adults triumph through dishonesty
and divisiveness. They have damaged America's culture in bringing a
new level of indecency to our public discourse, and into our living
rooms. They have lowered our country's reputation in the world, so
that a Swedish socialist, an Iranian fundamentalist, and an Italian
communist alike could look at the myriad Clinton scandals and crow
about America's amoral leadership.... And in all this, she has helped
him. She was his partner in power; they did it all, together." --Peggy


"This tawdry attempt to hang responsibility for the recession and
budget deficits on President Bush requires fabrications much more
malicious and preposterous than the routine lying we have come to
expect from political hacks. One wonders how Democrats can mouth these
accusations when history informs us that it is they who are
addictively drawn to every expansion of government power, every new
tax, every piece of pork, every boondoggle, every new program, every
old program and every pay raise and new amenity for themselves, their
clients and their cronies...." --Linda Bowles


"What is piously called 'campaign finance reform' could more
accurately be called the incumbents' protection act. One of the
earliest uses of federal restrictions on political advertising -- the
Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 -- was a 1972 federal attempt to
get a court injunction against a group of people who advertised for
the impeachment of President Richard Nixon. Do we really want to allow
bureaucrats and politicians to be able to harass citizens for
expressing political opinions? Or create such a snarl of red tape
about contributing money to candidates or causes as to make people
reluctant to participate in political activity, for fear of being
dragged into federal court over a form that wasn't filled out right?
Who else gains from campaign finance reform besides incumbents? The
mass media. Their political biases gain more influence by the
silencing of those who could otherwise counter what they say with
differing viewpoints. No one is more in favor of campaign finance
reform than the media. What problems are the campaign finance reform
zealots trying to solve that are half as bad as the problems they are
creating? There is lots of rhetoric but much of it will not stand up
under scrutiny." --Thomas Sowell

(To submit an editorial comment or read other comments, link to:

"We (I include myself since I have materially supported the
Federalist) are hypocritical if we quote Oliver North as someone who
espouses our ideals. Liberals defined the morality of a corrupt
president by the support he gave their agenda. They overlooked his
personal and professional failings because he said the things they
wanted to hear. We rightly denounced that. Here we have someone who
lied under oath, but we implicitly excuse that because he agrees with
our conservative views. Ollie knew right from wrong. It was drilled
into him as a Midshipman at USNA and as a Marine Officer. He knew he
was wrong when he did it, but, hey, he's engaging and says the right
words. Is moral relativism not confined to the left?"
Editor's Reply: You say, "we implicitly excuse that because he agrees
with our conservative views." No, we don't. But, like Charles Colson,
whom we also quote regularly, both men followed their consciences in a
time when our nation was under attack externally -- and internally.
Both men made a decision to lie. Both men have acknowledged that fact.
And if we were never to publish a word from anyone guilty of error, we
would not publish a word!

"C. S. Lewis once said that man's problem isn't low self-esteem. The
problem is that he thinks altogether too highly of himself, and is
being constantly disappointed with reality."

"O'Reilly, oh really? Still not a word from Bill O'Reilly on his
soft-spinning Geraldo?"
Editor's Reply: Not a word...!

"You posted my comment -- but changed it. I was not offended by the
change but don't think it is right for you to change my words."
Editor's Reply: We get many comments pertaining to the same issue.
Sometimes we combine good comments in order to avoid redundancy on our
opinion page.

"You anit-Clinton people should get a life. Or at least get a
women(sic). If you know how?"
Editor's Reply: Sometimes we have to include some hate mail,
especially when it exemplifies the best our detractors can produce...


"While I would like to be of assistance to you in this matter, it is a
long-standing tradition in the United States Senate that each senator
be given the opportunity to serve his own constituents. Accordingly, I
am referring your communication to Senator John Warner, in whose state
you reside." --Letter from Sen. Phil Gramm, Texas Republican, to a
Virginia man who claims he's being ambushed by foreign enemies,
courts, a bank and Web hosting company, among other tyrannical
outposts "resulting in our demise." **Collegial deference has its

This Week's Leftoons:


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