-Caveat Lector-

>She is the one who most of her life no doubt, was hired to do those
>menial little task most people abhor.....like editing the work of

Nope.  Most of my working career has been as a computer systems analyst....

>To tell the truth, I did not read all this crap she wrote,

Obviously because it hit too close to the bone...

>but for
>entertainment purposes have reproduced same for your sheer boredom and
>enlightment in the day of a nit picker named - June.

So who's the editor, hmmmm?

Seems to me that you have, on more than one occasion, bored us with your
many posts where you yourself claim to have worked as an editor...

And who are these non-list members to whom you are spamming your diatribe?

>Maybe she is not getting enough attention;

Something we all know that you yourself crave...

>in the past I have carefully
>avoided being too critical of this big bore

That's a joke!

>My sister, you old bat, received two awards from the Govenor,


If you are referring to your 'governor', what does THAT have to do with
whether she was a true artist are not?

I notice you still haven't told us what galleries and/or museums any of her
works are in, nor have you told us the name of this sister of yours who is
supposedly such a great artist of renown...

>there is a
>plaque placed to her memory where she was an Int. Trade Rep,

But nothing in regards to her supposed artistic ability?  ;-)

>she had IQ of 152

And I have one of 168...

>and my other sister speaks 3 different languages, was former editor of a
>newspaper,  married into the CIA and old military family

None of this amounts to anything when it comes to whether you or anyone in
your family can even recognize TRUE art, let alone make a claim for being
artists yourselves...

>Saba:  And I am surprised at you June - your lack of knowledge when it
>comes to true art forms - you did not even know the masterpiece memorial
>to our men in Iwo Jima,
>June  Which is arguably NOT a 'true art form'...

As coincidence would have it, as I type this I'm watching a documentary
about the Iwo Jima campaign on The History Channel...

And did you know, Colleen, that the image you wax ecstatic about is NOT the
original flag raising on Mount Suribachi?  The famous image is of a second
flag-raising, one that was restaged with a bigger flag so that a better
picture could be made.

So one could argue that the photograph itself is not 'true art'...

>June the Stupid Bitch attempts to defame my dead sister

No, your own words adequately do the job for me...you yourself admitted
that she could only sell her paintings at garage sales...

We're still waiting to know the name of your 'great artist' sister, plus to
know just what reputable art galleries and/or museum show any of her

>Do you object to all those nudes that Rubens depicted? What about
>Michelangelo's "David"?
>Is every representation of an unbared breast or penis 'pornography' to

I notice you avoided answering the question, Colleen...

>As for you June - and your "Famous Artists Court"


I only know of a mailorder school...but you, being an alumni, would
obviously know about other divisions within the "Famous Artist" domain than
I would...

>And my sister, June - her work was on display purely to make some money

Well that in and of itself proves she was no real artist; REAL artists do
it for the love of art, and because of the inner drive to express
themselves.  Being successful in a financial sense is all well and good,
but it is NOT the primary focus of a TRUE artist.

>So you looked up Burkhart - did you know he spoke to Marilyn Monroe 10
>days before she was found dead...

Even if that is true, what does THAT have to do with the price of coffee in

In other words, IF your sister was truly such good friends with him, and IF
he really was such a great artist, then why couldn't he help get your
sister's paintings into legitimate galleries and museums?  Why could she
only sell them at garage sales, hmmmm?

No, you've not provided any information for us to believe that she was
anything but a name-dropping hanger-on like you yourself are...

>that he lived in German Village and he
>steered my sister to one of his old teachers and he loved her shades of

But neither Burkhart nor the old teacher could help get your sister's
paintings into even one gallery or museum...

> Toulous La Trek,

Ha!  You don't even know how to spell his name correctly!

>And by the way your worthless oldl bat, my sister dined with the Prince
>of the Netherlands...

Perhaps she did, the old Nazi...it still doesn't make her a real artist.

>...with her good manners and breeding she fit in

Strange, by all accounts Prince Bernhard was a colossol bore and displayed
working-class manners...

I'm sure your sister DID fit in well with his crowd...swapping
reminiscences of the good ol' days back in Nazi Germany...

>When she died over $2,000 was contributed to animal welfare groups in
>her name at her request - I still have the letters and notes......

To the rest of the list:  Is anyone familiar with the British sitcom
"Absolutely Fabulous", which is broadcast on the Comedy Channel?  If so, do
any of you get the distinct impression that this sister of Colleen's sounds
strangely similar to Patsy's sister who showed up in one episode, the
dried-up old shriveled ex-jet-setter who used to hobnob with all sorts of
royalty, but who now devoted herself to helping animals?

Actually, when it comes right down to it, Colleen herself is very
Edina-like...   ;-)


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