-Caveat Lector-

>You know June, this is the difference between people like you and my
>sister....by the way my brother in law wore a joint Chief of Staff
>Badge, but you once said your father wore the "dog catchers" badge as
>though it was a symbol of what?

There has never been any such thing as a 'dog catchers badge', or as the
correct terminology would be, a 'dog wardens badge'...at least not in the
community my parents served in...

What they DID carry were patrolmen's badges, the same badges as carried by
the town's policemen, because the position of town dogwarden (and assistant
dogwarden) were equivalent to that of a patrolment, and the warden's had
full power of arrest.

>While you are attempting to downgrade my dead sister,

You're the one who downgraded her; you admitted that she couldn't sell her
paintings anywhere but at garage sales...and you haven't been able to name
even ONE gallery or museum where your supposedly 'true artist' sister had a
show or even one work displayed...

>daughter of a puppy murderer.

Actually puppies were never put to sleep, unless there was some severe
physical defect or disease.  Puppies, being cute, always got adopted well
before they ever risked being put to sleep...

Adult dogs, OTOH, weren't always that lucky.  My parents did a sad job, and
you're barking up the wrong tree (pun intended) if you think they enjoyed
that aspect of the job.  But I notice you don't do anything to help stop
the millions of unwanted strays from being created each year....

>and she had something else one
>cannot buy other than good art - and that was - her IQ
>in the upper 10%.

So am I, or so my highschool guidance counselor claimed my 4th grade IQ
test showed...

>When my sister died at her request $2,000 (a little over) was
>contributed to animal welfare and cat welfare

Because she knew how much those organizations had done for you and her...


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