-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

China Vents Anger Over Taiwan
NewsMax.com Wires
Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2002
BEIJING – China on Tuesday publicly criticized a plan to rename Taiwan's
overseas representative offices and condemned a planned visit to the United
States by the island's defense minister.
Calling the measure a "provocative act," China's state-run media criticized a
proposed plan to rename Taiwan's 14 unofficial consulates in the United
States from Taipei Economic and Cultural Offices to Taiwan Representative

Since the United States recognized the communist Beijing government in 1979,
Taiwan was diplomatically downgraded and has used the offices for
communicating with Washington and for issuing visas.

The Chinese dictatorship sees the move as another step toward Taiwan
declaring independence, something Beijing has threatened military action to

"In the world arena, we will make great efforts to prevent 'Taiwan
independence,' or 'two Chinas' or 'one China, one Taiwan,'" state-run media
quoted a government official as saying.

China's foreign ministry also condemned plans for Taiwan's defense minister
to visit the United States, news of which came less than one day after
President Bush concluded his visit to Beijing.

"We resolutely oppose the official ties between Taiwan and the United States,
and especially in the military field," Chinese foreign ministry spokesman
Kong Quan said.

Beijing is opposed to any such communication between "any country with
diplomatic relations" with China.

Taiwanese media reported over the weekend an informal invitation had been
extended to Defense Minister Tang Yiau-ming. Ministry officials confirmed
Tang had been invited to attend a business conference in Florida next month,
but the U.S. government had not issued a formal invitation.

The visit would be the first by a Taiwanese defense minister since Washington
switched diplomatic ties to Beijing.

The Chinese spokesman also voiced Beijing's concern over U.S. arms sales to
the island government. Taipei has asked to buy 30 Apache attack helicopters.

Kong said such sales violated agreements between Beijing and Washington and
"undermined bilateral ties and the peace and stability across the straits."
Copyright 2002 by United Press International.

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