-Caveat Lector-

So Neuropsychotic, I sitll do not know what to call you - maybe from now
on I will call you, Mega Man.

Now - the ADL made Meyer Lansky and Mo Dalitz their Men of the
Year.....kind of like here in our area, two jewish doctors were
nominated to be and one was made, JAYCEE man or men of Year......next
time you heard their names was in murder case involving black doctor
where Mafia hit man took fall, for those guys only wanted to castrate
this man......anyway gaet the piciture?

As for sodomy in Washington?   Yes Barney Franks was running a male
whorehouse in his office and home......he is a homosexual who just came
out of his closet while othere's ran back in when heat was on.

Such lovely people.....such role models for our children.

Such big Mega Bucks in Organized Crime.

And to think the bin Laden family is really well beware of those who say
they are Muslims, and are not.....for they sit at right hand of
king....and Osama, the little black sheep sits at left.

Now I do not exactly call all all this stuff good example of Law and

So hard to tell these days the good guys from the bad guys in particular
when you are taught to be tolerant of such people.

Like this poor deprived black in Georgia with all the bodies and 'body
parts".....hey want was he doing, canning dog food or engaged in
cannibalism?   But shhhhhhh....David Duke's book The Awakening" comes to

Now here were good examples of the Democrat Party, today for the Mother
was Democrat Chairman of the Party and her entire family all had
government jobs.

Yes, American David Duke is right - America is experiencing "The
Awakening"........someday Planet of Apes will no longer be, just another
B movie.

Towering Infernos - Valley of Dry Bones.....poof, all Gone With the

As Heston would say "over my dead body, you bastards".

Getta Gun - getta big gun - bit Uzi like Israelis carry.   Word to wise
is sufficient, for the days are Evil.....

Big Imagination?

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