-Caveat Lector-

Listen neuropsychotic - that med routine is overdone - do you have that
too written in one of your little books for occasional use?

This Jewish Mafia has gotten away with the murder of  President and was
involved without a doubt in the murder of a Senator and others.

They sit back and do feed among the lilies....they are corrupt, evil,
and rotten to the CORE.

And as far as I am concerned it seems to me that the world is leaning
towards ISLAM......and Muslims are many and the Jews are few - their
reputations here are protected because they have bought into the news
media - and maybe this is why the USA thought they were so loved
throughout the world because their Zionist press told them so.

Israel is an evil city and they have made New York, their sister
city......like Ezekial 23 is it, two sisters.......Sodom and
Gomorrah.....so stamped by the movies as they both await destruction.

But out of the ashes will arise Larry Silverstein still feeding amongst
the lilies.....while new buildings are bullt like tombstones on the not
so honored dead.


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