-Caveat Lector-

>Joshua Tinnin - I am Irish pure on my father's side, and Welsh, Irish,
>English, Scotch on my mother 's side...

Ah, so on your mother's side you are a fermented alcoholic beverage?

Someone from Scotland would NEVER describe themselves nor their ancestors
as "Scotch"...

>I simply have no brindle brown or black Ethiopian in my family
>tree......my sister had auburn hair, the other was silver yellow
>blonde......but all were shades of blonde and blue - which takes in many
>shades, but no BLACK ETHIOPIAN NEGRO AFRICAN in our family tree.

I don't believe anyone has claimed that you do...

But hey, I'm 'pure' Scots/Irish on my father's side and 'pure'
Dutch/Hungarian on my mother's side, and nary a natural blond/blonde nor
blue-eye in the lot -- and according to your criteria, that does not make
me really 'white'?

No one gives a rat's ass if you DO have non-caucasian gene's in your
ancestry, Colleen -- that is purely your own obsession, and no one else's
who isn't a card-carrying Nazi and/or KKKer like you...

>Is this clear now - go to your hair dresser and say you want to be a
>blonde and you find variations from brown to blonde or like this little
>Princess of Wales had soft brown hair but had it done with the latest
>craze - whitish blonde with dark tones.

So now it's not only blonds who qualify as being truly 'white', but now
there are degrees of 'whiteness' depending upon the shade of blondness?

In your case, Colleen, BLOND = BLAND...


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