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>From the Associated Press

Chavez Freed, Returns to Venezuela 
Sun Apr 14, 7:21 AM ET 
By ANDREW SELSKY, Associated Press Writer 

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - Hugo Chavez was freed by his military captors and returned 
to reclaim the Venezuelan presidency Sunday, in a dramatic restoration of power two 
days after he was forced from office by army commanders.

Chavez stepped down from a helicopter, smiled and raised his fist in triumph as he 
greeted hundreds of cheering supporters outside the Miraflores presidential palace. 
Thousands in the street beyond began singing the Venezuelan national anthem.

His return shortly after 3 a.m. followed the resignation of Pedro Carmona, who stepped 
down amid violent protests after just one day in office as interim president of 
Venezuela, the No. 3 supplier of oil to the United States.

Chavez's vice president, Diosdado Cabello, had declared himself acting president until 
Chavez's return from military custody. He appeared healthy and hugged supporters as a 
military band played.

Chavez's family, supporters and former government officials insisted he never resigned 
as president, as Carmona and Venezuela's high command claimed.

"Today we are celebrating a new democracy," said one man who took a microphone to 
greet Chavez.

Chavez is a former army paratrooper who led a failed 1992 coup but was elected in 1998 
on an anti-poverty platform. His term was to end in 2006.

Chavez's strongest support was among Venezuela's poor, though over time his once huge 
popularity dwindled as he clashed with many of the country's sectors in his bid to 
impose a "revolution" he said aimed to end corruption.

He alienated the United States with his ties to Cuban President Fidel Castro (news - 
web sites) and Iraq, and angered Venezuela's business community by decreeing laws they 
said were anti-business.

The military said Chavez resigned Friday hours after generals arrested him for 
allegedly ordering gunmen to fire on a massive opposition protest on Thursday. Sixteen 
died and hundreds were wounded in the melee.

Dozens more died in rioting and looting on Saturday.

After Carmona resigned Saturday, Chavez's attorney general, Isaias Rodriguez, told 
Carmona's ministers they were under arrest pending possible charges.

"They must take responsibility. They will be put on trial with all their rights, but 
they will be put on trial," Cabello said. Some military officials also would be tried 
for military rebellion, he said.

Tens of thousands of people surrounded the presidential palace Sunday after news of 
Carmona's resignation. They set off powerful fireworks as they waited for Chavez's 
anticipated return from military custody.

"Chavez is coming! Chavez is coming!" said Dario Fereira, an unemployed man wearing a 
tattered shirt.

Chavez administration officials — many of whom had evaded dozens of police raids under 
Carmona's brief reign — and loyalist military officers hugged each other in the 
palace's marble-floored courtyard.

"In these past two days they have persecuted us," said Rafael Ramirez, president of 
the state-run national gasoline company.

Unshaved and with red-rimmed eyes, Ramirez said he had hidden in friend's homes after 
Chavez's arrest on Friday. Asked about the turnaround, Ramirez said: "It's marvelous 
because the Venezuelan people responded to this illegal coup attempt."

Chavez's labor minister, Maria Cristina Iglesias, said Chavez was kept on Orchila 
Island off the Venezuelan coast.

Just hours earlier, interim president Carmona — a businessman and co-leader of a 
general strike called last week against Chavez — announced he had resigned. Carmona 
was named president by the military high command.

"We have every right to protest, but they are gunning us down out there," said Edgar 
Paredes, his clothes soaked in blood as he brought his wounded brother to a hospital. 
He didn't know who shot Luis, and probably never will. Like most violent 
demonstrations here, gunfire can erupt from any side, at any time.

Demonstrators supporting Chavez — or opposed to the way he was ousted — forced Carmona 
to step down. The commander of a strategic air base in the central city of Maracay 
rebelled Saturday, setting in motion nationwide protests demanding Chavez's return.

Thousands took to the streets, taking over state TV, to demand that Chavez be 
reinstalled. Signaling a split in the armed forces, several military commanders 
refused to accept Carmona's appointment.

Some Latin American leaders denounced Friday's irregular transition of power. The 
United States said Chavez was responsible for his own ouster because of attempts to 
violently suppress a Thursday opposition demonstration in which gunmen fired upon a 
150,000-strong march.

Thursday's march capped a general strike called to support oil executives who were 
protesting a Chavez-appointed board of directors at the state oil monopoly Petroleos 
de Venezuela.

A work slowdown by the executives severely cut production and exports in Venezuela.

At the palace, supporters displayed a huge poster of Chavez lit by floodlights. A 
military brass band stood at the ready. Red-bereted soldiers with automatic rifles 
paced through the hallways; others pumped their fists and egged on the crowd.

"Chavistas" seized the state-run TV station late Saturday. Even as gunfire rattled 
downtown streets, pro-Chavez lawmaker Juan Barreto praised the "peaceful insurrection" 
that called for Chavez's return.

Bowing to a demand by restive army commanders, Carmona said earlier Saturday that 
Chavez would be allowed to leave the country. He promised to reinstate the country's 
National Assembly, which he dissolved on Friday, along with the Constitution, Supreme 
Court, and other institutions.

Carmona also lost the support of the 1 million-member Venezuelan Workers 
Confederation, which co-led last week's general strike, after Carmona decide to 
dissolve Congress, said confederation director Jesus Urbietta.

At least 20 disturbances were reported in Caracas on Saturday. Unrest also was 
reported in the cities of Maracay, Guarenas, Los Teques and Coro. Police fought 
pitched battles with Chavez supporters in the western Caracas slum of Catia, a Chavez 



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