-Caveat Lector-


Charles August Schlund, III Plaintiff,  v.
United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration



Charles A. Schlund, III (“Plaintiff”) alleges, on information and belief
and on those grounds, as follows:

1. This action is brought pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, as
amended, 5 U.S.C.A. - 552, referred to as “F.O.I.A.” to require public
disclosure of all records, documents, and other tangible things, either
in part or whole, contained in the Department of Justice (“D.O.J.”), and
specifically Drug Enforcement Administration (“D.E.A.”) files involving

2. This Court has jurisdiction of this action pursuant to the Freedom of
Information Act (“F.O.I.A.), as amended, 5 U.S.C.A. - 552(a)(4)(B) and
the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552 et seq.; the Administrative
Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C.A. §§ 701 et seq.; and all Writs and Statutes,
28 U.S.C.A. § 1651 and Articles 4, 5, 6, and 14 of the United States

3. Plaintiff is an individual and not a corporation. Plaintiff has also
done business as C.A.S. Electric and previously as H&S Electric from
1980 through 1991, as a sole proprietor.

4. Defendant(s) Department of Justice (“D.O.J.”) and its subdivision
Drug Enforcement Administration (“D.E.A.”) is an administrative agency
of the United States Government, with its principle offices located at
United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration,
Washington D.C., 20537. Defendant D.O.J. and its agents constitute an
“agency” within the meaning of the F.O.I.A., 5 U.S.C.A. §? 552(e) and
the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552 et seq. Defendant also
maintains a regional office located at 3010 N. 2nd Street, Phoenix,
Arizona and is conducting business within the Central Judicial District,
State of Arizona.

5. Plaintiff on or about 1978, after being illegally framed and
prosecuted as a drug manufacturer by the D.E.A. and the Arizona Maricopa
County Sheriff’s Department, requested under the F.O.I.A., any and all
files, records, and other tangible items and things relative to
Plaintiff. The D.E.A. completely denied possession, custody, or control
or maintaining records, documents, or other evidence in a tangible
medium of any kind or nature or that any existed relating to Plaintiff,
other than those released of the arrest of Plaintiff.

It was factually determined by the Honorable Judge Lacey of the United
States District Court in Arizona during the trial of Plaintiff that the
D.O.J., D.E.A. and their agents totally fabricated all evidence against
Plaintiff as a drug manufacturer and then blatantly lied under oath
committing perjury in attempting to use the sham evidence in a desperate
hope of convicting him. The weak attempt by the corrupt governmental
agents utterly failed, and Plaintiff was acquitted on all charges. The
Honorable Judge Lacey established from the bench that the abovesaid acts
and conduct by the aforesaid constituted “outrageous conduct of the
Unites States government” and “obstruction of justice and gave
Plaintiff’s attorney a specific case citation supporting the judge’s
aforesaid determination.” The judge was further outraged due to his
determination that the D.E.A. and the Sheriff’s Department directly
threatened to murder the wife and children of Plaintiff’s first key
witness, Robert Snow. Then the D.E.A. and the said Sheriff’s Department
went to Plaintiff’s second key witness and threatened to prosecute him
if he testified to any knowledge of prior crimes of Carl Altz or anyone
else and never asked this witness any questions, and only threatened

Plaintiff was then fully “acquitted” on all charges. The government
appealed the acquittal judgment and lost. The D.E.A. and Sheriff’s
department was adjudicated as committing fabrication of evidence,
perjury, and obstruction of justice.

The next day after the Honorable Judge Lacey acquitted Plaintiff of
all charges, the D.E.A., Sheriff’s department, and others continued to
selectively investigate Plaintiff and targeted him as a political
witness due to his personal knowledge of their murders, drug dealing,
and the fixing of state and federal elections including, however not
limited to the aforesaid. Plaintiff’s knowledge included facts relating
to the state and federal court judges being appointed to cover-up
murder, drug shipments, protect drug dealers, and to user their judicial
powers to target political dissidents and witnesses. Robert C.
Broomfield (Judge Broomfield) at that time was a state judge in
Arizona. Plaintiff had read his [Judge Broomfield’s] C.I.A. file which
contained his records confirming he was a high ranking member of the
terrorist organization known as the Aryan Brotherhood. Later,
Broomfield was appointed as a United States federal judge in the
District of Arizona.

In or about 1990, the D.E.A. ordered Kathy Schlund to hire a private
investigator who was a member of the Dirty Dozen under the D.E.A.’s
influence and control to investigate Plaintiff.

The said investigator was also under the influence and
control of the D.E.A. It was the private investigator’s task as ordered
by the D.E.A. to submit fabricated reports of information purportedly
related to Plaintiff’s activities.

The D.E.A.’s activities relating to the illusory and pretexual
investigation relating to Plaintiff was only to serve the purpose of
attempting to give the appearance of legitimacy to an otherwise illegal
and illegitimate criminal investigation of Plaintiff at the taxpayer’s
expense to discredit him as a political witness. This has been done in
an attempt to deter or stop Plaintiff from exposing the gross and
despicable violations of the law by the D.E.A. and others under their
influence and/or control and direction under color of authority and law.

These collective activities targeting Plaintiff to discredit him were
also perpetrated by the judges of the state and federal judicial system.

Judge Robert C. Broomfield, Sandra Day-O’Conner, Judges Rheinquist,
Bork, Copple, Kennedy, Lee, and others were some of the judges Plaintiff
was supplying information on to the F.B.I. and others. Plaintiff was
and continues to remain a direct witness with personal knowledge of the
details of the corrupt activities of each judge. Such activities,
included but were not limited to, taking bribes, fixing of cases and
trials, murder, drug dealing, solicitation of prostitution, engaging in
sexual acts while in office, intentional destruction of court files,
etc. Due to Plaintiff’s direct personal knowledge of the corrupt judges
and their criminal activities. He was further targeted by the D.E.A.
and others and the said judges to attempt to prevent, deter, or
discredit him as a political witness against them.

The D.E.A., along with Joe Arpaio, Rick Romley, and other members of
this drug cartel, engaged in a concerted action to discredit, torture,
harass, and fabricate false files on Plaintiff to further the cover-up
of his exposure to and reading of the “Don Bolles Papers.”

To discredit Plaintiff as a political witness, the D.E.A. individually
or/and jointly with others obtained warrants and gassed Plaintiff during
his sleep to induce him into a deep comatose state to inject him with
drugs and remove him from his existing location to another location
determined by the D.E.A. or others. While at this location, the D.E.A.
would interrogate and place Plaintiff in a staged setting to take
pictures and videos of him for the purpose of establishing the false
impression in the mind of any observer he was committing criminal
activity, which in reality he was not. This was again to further the
discrediting of Plaintiff as a political witness against Defendants.

All of the above-denoted criminal activities were done under the guise
and pretext by said individuals under color of office, authority, and
law. But such acts and conduct could not be carried out by the DEA
and/or others without the direct involvement of judge(s) and officer(s)
of the court for the wrongful utilization of [a] judges’ authority and
jurisdiction. The purpose of the abovesaid acts was in part to
authorize the continued investigation of Plaintiff by the D.E.A. or/and
other person(s) supplying information to various government
organizations who profit from such activities by covering up their
corruption and criminal conduct.

On information and belief, Plaintiff alleges the individuals and
especially the D.E.A. and individuals working with or influenced by
their conduct represents that activity and state of mind comparable to a
Nazi regime. Plaintiff further alleges that no American competent and
legitimate judge would allow such acts and conduct by the D.E.A. or
others under color of authority, office, or law.

On or about 1991, Plaintiff began working with the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (“F.B.I.”), supplying it with information on corrupt state
and federal judges, murders, drug activities by the D.E.A., C.I.A., and
the C.I.A. detailed plans for fixing the presidential elections of the
United States.

Plaintiff alleges the F.B.I. asked him for the information of what
were contained in the “Don Bolles Papers,” which were in part C.I.A.,
D.E.A., National Security Agency (“N.S.A”), Federal Bureau of
Investigation (“F.B.I.”), Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (“A.T.F.”),
Secret Service (“S.S.”), and other agency documents removed by George
Bush, Sr. in the cover-up of Watergate, and other high crimes by corrupt
governmental officials.

Plaintiff’s work with the F.B.I. resulted in the seizure of hundreds of
millions of dollars of drugs that were under the protection of the
D.E.A. and C.I.A.

Plaintiff, working with the F.B.I. resulted in the exposure of the
radiation experiments and the “ESP Experiments” and many other research
products conducted by the C.I.A and others, including the exposure of
activities of stopping the illegal funneling of billions of dollars of
public money into the possession of corporations under the control of
the C.I.A. and others.

In 1993, in retaliation for Plaintiff’s abovesaid activities and
exposing the corruption of said activities within the government,
Plaintiff was set up and framed by the D.E.A. and others as being an
alleged drug dealer, murderer, gun runner, and for other numerous
crimes. All of the aforesaid was done for the purpose of Defendants
authorizing a fabricated investigation which was also used for purposes
of authorizing the injecting of implants, which were then used for
torturing and sleep deprivation of Plaintiff to punish him for his
whistle-blowing activities against George Bush, Sr., the D.E.A., and the

After Plaintiff was injected with said implants, he was continuously
tortured to near death and deprived of sleep for 5-6 days at a time in
order to obtain conversations from Plaintiff under torture and under the
threat of death. Agent Adam S., with the F.B.I. in the Phoenix office,
telephoned the Plaintiff and left a message to Plaintiff that the
implants were C.I.A. designed implants which was forecasted—years in
advance, accurately by Plaintiff. The D.E.A., using a warrant, had
gassed and injected Plaintiff. The D.E.A. left Plaintiff bleeding at
the said injection sites on his neck in his bed.

The Agent In Charge of the F.B.I. in Arizona told Plaintiff that in
order to remove the implants he would have to file a civil lawsuit
concerning same.

Plaintiff alleges that when the Nazi regime also injected the Jewish
people while under their control in the neck, resulting in making them
sick and torturing them with the injections under the color of law, that
during the Nuremberg Trials, this activity was deemed a crime against
humanity. Plaintiff alleges there is no difference in the injection and
torture of him under the color of the law in America. No technology is
required for the torture of Plaintiff. Only the court’s authorization
for the use of secret and Nazi-like medical procedures is required to
cause torture to a person.

On or about 1985 through 1991, Plaintiff alleges that during those
time frames he would travel to and from Mexico to go deep-sea fishing.
During these fishing trips, the D.E.A. and other agents escorted
Plaintiff on each of these excursions. The escorting of Plaintiff on
these trips by the aforesaid is of Plaintiff’s personal knowledge and
was witnessed by Plaintiff and others during such excursions.
The D.E.A., working with Kathy Schlund who was Plaintiff’s wife, used
these excursions to fabricate evidence that Plaintiff was a drug
manufacturer and dealing in drugs. Plaintiff alleges the D.E.A. had
direct knowledge that Plaintiff was innocent of any activity of drug
manufacturing and dealing. Because Plaintiff was a direct witness
against the D.E.A. for drug dealing, murder, and more evil and corrupt
activities, it became necessary to continue the framing of Plaintiff as
being allegedly involved in the drug trade. While perpetrating the
D.E.A.’s activities, it used Mexican nationals for the purpose of
speaking in Spanish to Plaintiff about the topic of illegal drugs. This
was done to fabricate evidence in such a manner to give the illegitimate
impression that Plaintiff was engaging in illicit drug activity with
these D.E.A. influenced and controlled Mexican nationals.

The D.E.A. and others under their influence and control attempted and
did set up, design, and scheme to try to obtain conversations with
Plaintiff to demonstrate under a false pretext that he spoke Spanish to
support the D.E.A.’s false and illusionary picture that Plaintiff was
engaged in purported said activities with said Mexican nationals.
Plaintiff alleges that similar to almost all people who live
specifically in the southwest United States and who travels to vacation
or deep sea fish anywhere in Mexico, he knows enough fundamental Spanish
to “get by on, you know what I mean, senior?”

Plaintiff does not speak or understand Spanish. This is an important
fact for the court to understand, that Plaintiff did not speak Spanish
or understand it in order for it to understand how the D.E.A. was
methodically carrying out its plan and scheme to fabricate scenarios to
frame Plaintiff as a drug manufacturer or/and dealer while he was in
Mexico and at other times. This was done as a pretext to frame
Plaintiff as abovesaid, to attempt to justify a multi-jurisdictional
investigation to gas, implant, and torture Plaintiff as he was a
political witness against the D.E.A. and others.

Also during this time, Plaintiff’s wife, Kathy Schlund, who was working
with the D.E.A. to frame Plaintiff while the D.E.A. and others were
taking select photographs and voice recordings of Plaintiff, asked
Plaintiff to pick up some skin crème at a pharmacy in Rocky Point,
Mexico while Plaintiff was in Mexico fishing. This skin crème was
typically used for cosmetic reasons and purposes by women. The brand
name was Retin A.

When Plaintiff walked into the drug store with other members of the
fishing party, the pharmacist behind the counter held up a bottle of
cough syrup and directly addressed only Plaintiff and said pharmacists
spoke only in his native Spanish language to Plaintiff. Plaintiff,
speaking only in his native language – English – replied to the
pharmacist, “Retin A.” The pharmacist then set down only the bottle of
cough syrup on the counter next to the cash register and went to obtain
the Retin A, obtained the Retin A, and returned with it to the cash

Next, Plaintiff requested from the pharmacist a couple of packs of
Amoxicillin, and the pharmacist obtained it and likewise set the items
next to the cash register. The D.E.A., this entire time, was taking
select photographs of the activities inside the drugstore for the
purposes of setting up Plaintiff. The pharmacist then rang up said
items and Plaintiff then paid the pharmacist for them. The pharmacist
then placed the Retin A and Amoxicillin into a brown paper bag. He then
picked up the box of cough syrup and placed it in the same brown paper
bag. Plaintiff then confronted the pharmacist about the cough syrup,
asking if he was charged for it and, further that he did not request the
cough syrup and did not want it and to remove it from his other

The pharmacist then removed the cough syrup from the said bag and
pretended to not speak or understand English. All of the activities of
Kathy Schlund, the D.E.A., and the pharmacist’s activities relative to
the cough syrup abovesaid were to frame Plaintiff as purporting to be a
drug manufacturer.

Plaintiff made the pharmacist remove the cough syrup from the brown bag
provided by the pharmacist. Plaintiff then left the drug store without
the cough syrup. Plaintiff has never purchased any cough syrup in
Mexico. Plaintiff has never manufactured any drugs and doesn’t possess
knowledge to manufacture any drugs.

After Plaintiff returned from Mexico, while preparing for work one
morning, Plaintiff’s wife, Kathy Schlund, asked him to go upstairs to
get some cough syrup from the medicine cabinet for the children because
she said they were sick. Plaintiff told her to “go get it yourself,” as
he was running late to work. Kathy said she had to get the kids ready
for school and again requested Plaintiff to get the cough syrup from the
medicine cabinet, which he did. He returned downstairs holding the box
of cough syrup, unknowing he was being photographed by the D.E.A. while
holding the cough syrup box.

While Plaintiff was upstairs obtaining the cough syrup Kathy had
requested, she quietly left without telling him, giving the appearance
Plaintiff was alone in his house utilizing the cough syrup for some
illegal purpose. Plaintiff then innocently placed the unopened box of
cough syrup on the bar and left for work. At that time he was not aware
the D.E.A. were photographing his activities, which were later used for
the framing of him as abovesaid.

The D.E.A. and others, during this same time frame, installed
monitoring devices in or on Plaintiff’s employees, Harold Elston and
Daniel Pomeroy, and others to disable them to the point of sickness, to
cripple their performance as employees working on jobs for him. This
allowed the D.E.A., working with Kathy Schlund, to provide a window of
opportunity for the purpose of filtering new employees directly into
Plaintiff’s employment, who were secretly influenced and controlled by
the D.E.A.

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