-Caveat Lector-

here in Alberta we call B.C. the  Peoples Republic of British Columbia.

Party of Citizens wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 15:02:46 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>      William Kay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [INGRAM] Re: What IS the Campbell Mentality?
> Thank you for your interest, Mr. Hume. I hope you and your journalist
> colleagues will help us to arrive at the truth of this matter.
> "...the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by
> extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state" - Hitler's
> Propaganda Minister Goebbels.
> I also thank Mr. Ingram who in effect gave us an introduction via the
> Ingram List. Howver, I want to clarify something in his posting. I am
> not saying the Campbell Government is "Nazi". The Nazis were of course
> the National Socialist Party of Germany which brought Hitler to power
> (using a democratic system to do so). I am saying it seems likely that we
> have a FASCISTIC MENTALITY in these people, as much as I would like
> to be proven wrong. The fascist mentality is historically traced to
> Imperial Rome and their "fasces" symbol. The fascist mentality was strong
> in the Nazis of Germany but it was not limited to them. My research led
> me to believe that it is not excusively a state of mind for the political
> right. I don't think the original Roman fascists were "left wing" or
> "right wing". If we say, "Nazi" then people conjure up images of Nazi
> atrocities and immediately dismiss the rest of the discussion because they
> see no such atrocities in the present context. I will give only limited
> information on the fascist mentality below because I do not want to bore
> you will a lot of dry academic analysis.
> On Mon, 6 May 2002, Stephen Hume wrote:
> > Hi, Dr. FWP:
> >
> > Can you refer me to your papers? I'd like to have a look at them
> "Dimensionality in the Measurement of Authoritarian and Political
> Attitudes". Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 1974, 6, 81-94.
> This study was done while I was a junior faculty member at the University
> of Alberta. The subjects were students from my classes.
> "Evaluation of a Workshop for Armed Services Personnel: Attitude Change
> and the Role of Authoritarianism", Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education,
> 1975, 20, 1-9.
> This subjects in this study were Canadian military personnel.
> The matrix algebra and statistical methods used are summarized in my 1976
> text, "Individual Differences" (with Al Buss), 1976, Gardner Press (it is
> in VPL).
> Major theoretical works in this field from the 70's were by Adorno,
> Frenkel-Brunswick, Sanford and Levinson and by Rokeach. A widely used
> psyhological test for related empirical studies was the "California F
> Scale" (F for Fascism). I included it in my research. The F scale is often
> used in psychological testing. It draws attention to the fact that this
> is a matter of degree, not an all-or-none phenomenon.
> That is very much a consideration in assessing the mentality of the
> Campbell Government. What is important to the citizens of BC is whether
> we are seeing a fascistic CHARACTER DISORDER. And the focus of
> investigative journalists should be its expressions. What is their nature
> and are they of sufficient magnitude to cause grief for the citizenry?
> BTW, my professional designation is neither "psychologist" nor
> "philosopher". It is philosopher-psychologist, a hybrid which shows
> through in interests like this. My parchment says literally: "Franklin
> Wayne Poley is a Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology". The medical
> psyhologist or psychiatrist is interested in personality disorders. I am
> not talking about a personality disorder but rather a character disorder.
> > Re" your
> > question on his interpretation of the "right to life" clause in the
> > Constitution.  I'd be happy to ask it but I have difficulty getting any
> > cabinet ministers to return my calls these days.
> I think you should ask it right now via the Ingram List and you should ask
> it directly of Premier Campbell, expecting a clear and honest reply. Both
> Doug Porter and myself have received online replies from Premier Campbell
> and I think you should as well. I don't believe these are always "canned"
> replies. When I persisted in requesting a clear answer on whether Premier
> Campbell recognized First Nations as being "nations" as much as Nigeria of
> China or San Marino, he replied uneqivocally, NO. I disagree with him but
> I appreciate the direct and clear answer. You should receive one as well.
> Nobody will doubt that this is a vitally important issue, directly
> effecting hundreds of thousands and having grave implications for all of
> BC and Canada. It is, after all a constitutional matter. And it is a
> matter of life and death.
>  Do you know what his
> > interpretation is
> I have a hypothesis on what his interpretation likely is. It is "Everyone
> except ______________________ has the right to life". In other words he is
> imposing conditions on who and who does not have a right to life. What all
> of us urgently need to have is an articulation of the "principles" behind
> the "except ____" part. Wasn't that a term bandied about in the context
> of the First Nations referendum? "Principles". What principles match what
> administrative practices when it comes to the right to life of all those
> who are persons under the law in BC?
> I think it is quite appropriate, even commendable that Premier Campbell
> should lead all BC citizens in a discussion of a "BC Interpretation of the
> Constitution". We don't need a BC Constitution. We already have the
> Canadian Constitution. We do need a BC interpretation of the Constitution
> and to the extent that we all understand the Constitution, BC will be a
> stronger and better society. Let's start with the right to life clause of
> the Charter.
> > and what the provenance of that information might be?
> Some of it comes from journalistic reports like those of Bill Tieleman in
> Georgia Straight who is covering health and welfare related actions of
> this government. Some of it comes from government web sites. Tieleman
> tells us how tens of thousands of handicapped British Columbians are being
> reclassified as "employable unemployed" which means they will have their
> stipend for necessities of life discontinued after two years if they have
> not found paid employment. Add that to 100,000 or so currently in that
> category and you have a lot of people who believe their lives are
> literally being threatened. Add to that seniors receiving government
> support and you have hundreds of thousands of British Columbians who feel
> their lives are directly threatened by this government. The information I
> am getting from online reporters is that such abrupt discontinuation of
> welfare support and related support is unprecedented in Canada so we are
> on our own when it comes to knowing how to deal with it. Needless to say,
> I do not believe violence or even civil disobedience is necessary or
> advisable. The best advice I can give to Mr. Kay, LWP et al. is to
> participate fully in the lawful, democratic process and convince the
> citizens of BC that they have a better position.
> To declare certain social groups or classes as having "no right to life"
> is a manifestation of a fascist character disorder. The fascist mentality
> is "I am right because I am me. I need no justification beyond myself. I
> AM THE LAW." Next, "Those people who are like me are good, valuable,
> worthy of life. Those not like me and especially those opposed to me are
> not worthy of life." Again, the rationale requires nothing more than "I am
> the law. I am right because I am right." This is the essence of fascism.
> It is extreme INTOLERANCE to the point of vindictiveness against those who
> hold opposing points of view.
> Is Premier Campbell (along with the group his inner circle) expressing
> such intolerance of political foes and adversaries? What happened when he
> took his position on First Nation rights as delegated rather than
> inherent, to the courts? He lost. Do the subsequent actions express
> extreme intolerance and vindictiveness toward political-judicial
> opponents? IMO, yes. Do they manifest the fascistic character attribute
> which says "I AM THE LAW"? IMO, yes.
> What has happened to the Canadian Constitution under this administration?
> It is as if it didn't exist. "I am the law", remember. The constitutional
> rights of First Nations? Forget about them. "I am the law". The
> constitutional right of "access to justice". Again it is as if it did not
> exist. "I am the law". Isn't that what Mark Hume reported on in his April
> 10/02 National Post article? In an unprecedented action, all 146
> provincial court judges signed a letter of nonconfidence in this
> government, asserting among other things that it is denying citizens
> access to justice. The eminent law man, Tom Berger said on Studio 4 TV
> that this government is in violation of the rule of law. So much for the
> Charter portion of the Constitution which says "Canada is founded upon
> principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law". But
> remember the fascist mentality..."I am the law". Berger said we should all
> be "troubled" by a government which violates the rule of law. I am giving
> some additional reasons from a phil-psych perspective as to why we should
> be troubled. Other professions have their perspectives as well.
> The vindictiveness and intolerance of a fascistic mentality manifests
> in DEVALUING THE LIVES OF OTHERS. This is a mentality which divides
> society into winners and losers. The fascist winners have no tolerance for
> those they have defeated. Those they have defeated will pay the maximum
> price the fascists can apply. The poorest citizens here are likely to
> vote for a party like the NDP and not Liberal. Is it just coincidence that
> their already inadequate stipends were reduced? Is it just coincidence
> that this group was given a "no right to life" message with the
> instituting of an unprecedented 2 year limit on welfare? Is it just
> coincidence that First Nations people are disproportionately represented
> in welfare rolls? It looks to me like a way to kill two birds with one
> stone, so to speak. Another group disproportionately represented on
> welfare rolls would be senior citizens. Do you really buy the Hansen
> "reasurances" on VOBC last week? Are we to believe that a 64 year old
> handicapped citizen who has been reclassified as employable unemployed
> and has been turfed out on the street like so much garbage after receiving
> 2 years of welfare will then, as if by magic, be treated with dignity and
> respect, and granted the necessities for life and health in the golden
> years at age 65?
> But first things first. Let's get a clear and comprehensive statement on
> what Premier Campbell is saying to hundreds of thousands of BC citizens
> who feel that he has directly and personally threatened their lives. Do
> they or do they not have a right to life in his books? What PRINCIPLES are
> guiding his interpretation of the right to life clause of the Constitution?
> If he is saying "Everyone except __________ has the right to life", who is
> in the blank space and why are they there? That is a fair and reasonable
> question. IT MUST BE ANSWERED.
> Sincerely-FWP
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Stephen Hume
> > Vancouver Sun
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Franklin Wayne Poley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 1:26 PM
> > Subject: What IS the Campbell Mentality?
> >
> >
> > > On Sat, 4 May 2002, Party of Citizens wrote:
> > >
> > > > Subject: [NatNews-north] BC - The Referendum Five
> > > >
> > > > Stephen Hume
> > > > Vancouver Sun
> > > > Saturday, May 04, 2002
> > > >
> > http://www.canada.com/vancouver/vancouversun/columnists/story.asp?id={9BD22E
> > 26-0A76-4C43-8D37-3FB13FD33922}
> > > >
> > > > No intelligent person thinks Premier Gordon Campbell shares these odious
> > > > views. On the other hand, when the neo-Nazis are applauding government
> > > > policy while the churches urge caution, it doesn't take a brilliant mind
> > > > to figure out which advice to heed.
> > >
> > > No intelligent person would ignore the bigger picture, Mr. Hume. This is
> > > not an isolated event for this administration. The "fascist character
> > > disorder" is one of my specializations and I have published on it in peer
> > > reviewed phil-psych journals. I haven't ruled this out yet as a VALID
> > > descriptor of Campbell's character. Do you know his interpretation of the
> > > "right to life" clause in the Constitution? Ask him.
> > >
> > > (Dr.) FWP
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