-Caveat Lector-
AIDS: The Dying Truth
by Kimberly Joy Dollhouse

NOTE: This article is reprinted from "PINK" issue # 3 summer 2001
Kim's website can be found at: http://www.dollhousesalon.com

The AIDS virus was created by the government, and is a synthetic biological agent that was deliberately engineered as an instrument of depopulation.

In the 1970’s, Henry Kissinger wrote a top secret document -- National Security Memorandum (“NSM 200”) -- in which he indicated that “depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World.” This Memorandum, which can be obtained from the U.S. National Archives, was declassified very quietly in 1990 and was adopted by the National Security Council as official U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World. This is a classic example of the “secret government” in action because Congress wasn’t aware of any of this, and certainly the American people didn’t know about it. Did any of you know that depopulation was considered a matter of U.S. national security, or that for the past twenty years it has been the highest long-range priority of U.S. foreign policy toward the Third World? No, you didn’t because it was classified.

The following is a passage from this document written by Henry Kissinger: “Reduction of the rate of population in these States is a matter of vital U.S. national security.” And we even have a map of those areas in which Kissinger indicates depopulation would be desirable. They’re all Third World countries.

Kissinger continues, “The U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries. This fact gives the U.S. enhanced interests in the political, economic, and social stability of the supplying countries wherever a lessening of population becomes relevant to resources, supplies, and to the economic interests of the United States.”

Now, when Kissinger says “economic interests of the United States …” he means the interests of U.S. corporations, which are, in fact, multi-national corporations with no loyalty to this country whatsoever. National Security Memorandum 200 (unlike other government documents on this subject) outlined “international and political and economic implications of population growth” rather than its ecological or sociological aspects. The New World Order is a business, and the U.S. Government is in the business of business.

The next document was from the U.S. Senate library. It is a record of the Appropriations hearing that was held in July, 1969 where the Department of the Army specifically requested and received $10 million to develop “a synthetic biological agent that would impair or destroy the human immune system.” References were also made to several published articles from the World Health Organization, written about the same time, which advocated similar kinds of research toward the development of a “hybrid virus that could selectively affect the human immune system.” Like it or not, these documents all exist. The Kissinger Memorandum, the Army Appropriation Hearing, and the articles from the World Health Organization are all official records – facts of history that cannot be disputed.

Here’s an incredible coincidence – the World Health Organization went into Central Africa in 1972 – into an area that is known as the “AIDS Belt” – and administered a smallpox vaccination to several thousands of Africans. This event was followed immediately by the first outbreak of AIDS on this planet – a remarkable ‘coincidence’ that was noted as a front page headline in the London Times, but has never been mentioned in the U.S. media.

Another startling fact that was never mentioned in the mainstream media – the Hepatitis B vaccine was given to several thousand male homosexuals in New York and San Francisco in 1975. The fact is: every single person who received that vaccine contracted AIDS – every single one of them without exception. That is what the first American victims of AIDS all had in common. They were receivers of the Hepatitis B vaccine. It is a documented fact. AIDS began in America in 1978 in the homosexual communities of New York and San Francisco immediately following a government-sponsored program for Hepatitis B vaccinations. This is all completely documented, and completely true.

Many highly respected physicians like Dr. Robert Strecker, Dr. William Douglas, Dr. Cantwell, Dr. Hazeltine, and Dr. Alonso all agree that the AIDS virus could never have occurred spontaneously in nature. Animal viruses cannot jump species as we are being told (and asked to believe) when allegedly a green monkey bit an African and precipitated the AIDS epidemic. We know as a scientific fact that viruses cannot jump species unless they are specifically engineered to do so. And we also know for a scientific fact that the AIDS virus bears no resemblance whatsoever to any virus ever found in a green monkey, but does bear a total resemblance to cow and sheep viruses which have somehow bonded together. The only possible way these two different species of virus could bond together would be in a laboratory – then further engineered to make the jump into a human system.

Another frightening fact that no one has bothered to tell us is that there are six different basic types of AIDS virus, and that each of these basic types (known as a ‘recombinant retrovirus’) has a recombinant potential of 9,000 to the fourth power. ‘Recombinant’ means the ability to change and recombine into something new, and the calculation 9,000 to the fourth power times 6 is literally in the hundreds of millions of trillions of different possible forms and manifestations of the AIDS virus. That means that you would need a vaccine for every possible choice that the virus could make, which is technically and realistically impossible. There are simply too many strains of it; too many different varieties, to ever develop a single, comprehensive vaccine. Scary, huh?

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