-Caveat Lector-
http://www.karenlyster.com/mindb.html "Mind Control" The CIA and Military Mind Control Research Building the Manchurian Candidate A lecture by Dr. Colin Ross, 1997 Part Three According to a book which is a little shaky in terms of its documentation, the people who were consulted on the mental state of Gary Powers, the pilot of the U2 that was downed included Ewen Cameron who was an MKULTRA contractor who did the experimentation on Linda McDonald who I told you about earlier. Ewen Cameron was also one of the people who went over and interviewed the Nazi war criminals at Nuremburg to do mental statuses on them. So the FBI is in there fairly tight. Let's just talk about MKULTRA, MKSearch assassination connections. Project Paperclip and Mind Control Research - we heard about Allen Dulles already, he was the Director of the CIA before George Bush was the Director of the CIA, which in turn was before George Bush was the President. Allen Dulles is head of the CIA during MKULTRA program and obviously was aware of it and oversaw it. The CIA goes down to this Reinhard Gehlen guy who is the German spymaster who is recruited by Dulles to become our boy spying against the Russians, our enemies who were previously were our friends. Reinhard Gehlen was in effect a Nazi War Criminal. Reinhard Gehlen is in effect a Nazi War Criminal. Project Paperclip is a fully documented - one of a group of projects including Project National Interest, Project 63, Bloodstone - there is a bunch of other projects but Paperclip is the best known one. There are several books about it. Paperclip is a project set up by CIA and military intelligence to bring Nazi war criminals into the USA through a mechanism that routed them around the State Department. State Department rules were that if you were a Nazi war criminal, you couldn't enter the USA. But there was a mad scramble at the end of World War II involving the USA, Canada, France, Britain, German and Russian governments who were all scrambling to get their hands on German scientists. There were all kinds of recruiting drives, etc. American teams would actually go into the Russian sector and go to a place where German scientists were being held, and sneak those guys out of there. It was quite an intense little party that was going on. In Project Paperclip (this is totally documented) all types of scientists were brought over to the USA. Film experts, ball bearing experts, lubricants, rockets, every aspect of science and technology of interest to the military. This is included somewhat obscure people like Werner Von Braun. Werner Von Braun was head of the rocket program. He was the guy who was in charge of the V2 rockets that were used to bomb Britain that were created for Mittelwerk(sp) ... the labour for Mittelwerk was supplied from Camp Dora(sp). When the American troops liberated Camp Dora they found 6000 corpses on the ground. It is estimated that about 20,000 people were worked to death out of Camp Dora building the V2 rockets. Werner von Braun is documented as being on site at the Mittelwerk at least 20 times, and being at meetings of V2 oversight personnel where the use of prisoners being worked to death was discussed and condoned, and the workers would sometimes attempt to sabotage the rockets by urinating a part or tampering with the rocket. The typical response to that was that the entire work crew would be instantly hung in their work tunnel. He was also a member of the S.S. and there is correspondence on US Space Program stationery to a journalist where Werner von Braun admits he was an SS Officer. So he was a Nazi war criminal who couldn't be brought in through a normal kind of visa process. Another person who was brought in through Paperclip or another related project was Albertus Stroekhold(sp). Albertus Stroekhold is regarded as the father of aviation medicine. There is a library named after him at Lakland(sp) Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. He was honoured by the Daughters of the American Revolution for his contributions to Aviation Medicine and the Texas State Legislature declared a one-time state memorial day named after him in, I believe, the 1960's.Albertus Stroekhold was not a nice person. People on his own administrative level, people who reported to him and people he reported to were all tried and found guilty of war crimes at Nuremburg. He was not even interviewed by the U.S. lawyers responsible for that sector of Nuremburg. The types of experiments that these people did included things like putting people in a pressure chamber and dropping the pressure instantly to about 60,000 feet to simulate somebody being blown out of a cockpit if they were a U.S. pilot . What would happen is they would cause their faces to have excruciating pain, they would actually die or almost die. The ones who died would be taken out of the chamber, their heads would be cut open, their heads would be submerged under water, their heads would then be sliced open to determine whether there was air emboli in their cerebral arteries. Another type of experiment done by these people was an attempt to find an antidote to seawater so that downed German pilots in the North Sea could drink seawater. So these people were given forced feedings of seawater for days on end which then would be doctored with various different substances to see if any of the substances would prevent any of the subjects from dying. This is major full-scale Nazi war crime doctor stuff, and probably over 1000 of these scientists were brought to American under Project Paperclip. Nazi war criminals were examined by a team of psychiatrists including Ewen Cameron who did LSD and mescaline research and was an MKULTRA contractor. LSD and mescaline research was also funded by MKULTRA and mescaline research was done by the Nazi war criminals in the POW camps. So Ewen Cameron probably got the bright idea of doing LSD research from the Nazi war criminals. According to this book which is not really rock solid in its documentation, he was still in network up in the early 1960's when the U2 pilot went down. So that the only people who are missing from this fully, completely documented history are the psychological warfare experts. It is not plausible that the only kind of scientists out of the full range of expertise that were not brought over were the psychological experts. A guy who was a deep-ops character in Vietnam described being out in the field and coming across US and VC personnel who were all totally wasted on some sort of hallucinogen trip. Their job was simply to extract these guys and leave the VC who were just completely out of it on the ground. He told me which specific location in the USA would be the most likely place to find some of these Paperclip psychological experts, so I am going to pursue that. Let's just take a look at the brain electrode implant research. Now let's say it's just not believable that the CIA and the military have been creating Manchurian Candidates-it's just too much like science fiction. Well, what do we know for a fact that they have been doing? We know that they have been giving kids a few mcg. per kg. big-time street doses of LSD days, weeks and months up to years in a row. We know that they have been implanting non-therapeutic brain electrodes in children as young as 11 years old on an experimental basis, and we know they have been wiping out people's entire personal histories with 100+ ECT treatments and massive sleep inductions through drugs for no therapeutic reason whatsoever but we don't think they would go as far as creating a Manchurian Candidate. So it doesn't add up. What we know for an absolute documented fact is that they've gone way beyond monkeying around with some amnesia barriers and new identities so what's the story on brain electrode implant research? Here's a name you might recognize. Brain electrode implant research was funded by the CIA and MKULTRA in conjunction with the Office of Naval Research. There is a lot of joint funding of various projects by Office of Naval Research and the CIA. The Office of Naval Research funded both Neale Birch and the CIA. Neale Birch published that thing by Joly West. Joly West started the UCLA Violence Project which was going to be at Vacaville which was where Donald Defreeze was. He recruited a brain electrode implant psychiatrist who was part of a brain electrode team at Harvard, Frank Ervin, to be part of the UCLA Violence Project. He denies in his chapter in the book edited by Neale Birch that there is any intention to do brain electrode implant, but the available evidence suggests that actually in fact the plan was to stick brain electrodes in some of these prisoners at Vacaville and the concept was that you would use this for tracking of their whereabouts and if they were off their circuit locations or there was a certain kind of discharge from their brain, you could then transmit a signal to them to arrest their behaviour so that they could be picked up by the police. He is also funded by Army Intelligence. Army Intelligence funded Neale Birch. Army Intelligence funded Robert Heath at Tulane who did brain electrode implant research. We saw him on the previous page. The Office of Naval Research funded Jose Delgado at Yale who did brain electrode implant research. This is the guy to whom Harold Lief sent a patient. His experiments include sticking electrodes in brains, as I mentioned, and then pouring in different kinds of hallucinogens in order to see the effect on perception and behaviour and electrical activity in their brain. This guy, Jose Delgado, who is tightly in network, who is famous for a videotape of a bull charging at him then he pushes the transmitter box which sends a signal to the electrodes implanted in the bull's brain, and the bull turns away. He also has a series of papers which are in my Jose Delgado file where he does this kind of research on cats and he refers to the cats in which he has implanted brain electrodes that he is control ling by transmitter as "mechanical toys". By loose association, this reminds me of a book called "Man the Mechanical Misfit" written by George H. Estabrooks. He also describes a technical innovation in an 11 year old boy who had brain electrodes implanted for non therapeutic reasons. Previously you had to have wires connecting the transmitter box directly to the electrode terminals that were sticking through the skull. In this 11 year old boy, however, Jose Delgado had figured out how to have a remote transmitter without a direct wire connection. He describes pushing a button in this otherwise normal 11 year old boy's brain transmitter box and the boy starts being confused about his identity, wondering whether he is a girl and talking about wanting to marry Jose Delgado. He pushes another button, and this behaviour stops. Another Delgado experiment is a 16 year old girl who looks maybe like a mild borderline, pre-morbidly, involves sticking these brain electrodes in and there is actually pictures in the paper that you can photocopy when you go to the medical school library, it's in a journal on the shelf-where in one picture she's got this vacant stupid grin on her face, push another button on the panel box and she is pounding the panel on the wall. So they are showing actual photographs of markedly different behavioural states-totally controlled by remote transmitter and brain electrode implants. But these guys wouldn't be using hypnosis to create Manchurian Candidates. Martin Orne worked for MKULTRA which is connected to MKNaomi, MKNaomi was also conducted at Edgeware Arsenal where Amadeo Morazzi worked who did LSD research for the Air Force in Minnesota funded by Air Force Intelligence. Robert Heath also did Air Force research. LSD research was done by Nazi scientists and war criminals. Nazi scientists and war criminals were imported into Edgeware Arsenal frequently, and one of the people that I researched was Wagner Joreg, who is apparently the son of the Wagner Joreg(sp) who won the Nobel Prize for treating syphillis with malaria. I haven't researched that up fully but he came up to Edgeware Arsenal and I have him documented as being a German University Professor in the 1930's and 1940's showing up at Edgeware Arsenal and publishing research on antidotes to chemical warfare weapons and saying that he regrets the extremely long period of time in which it was impossible to publish his research data. So he did this research at Edgeware Arsenal which overlaps with the time that Amadeo Morazzi was there who did LSD research at the University of Minnesota. Another person who did LSD research is Paul Hawk who worked for the CIA, and is one of the inventors of the term "borderline personality disorder". So this is a little bit hokey this one. But it just shows you - the theme here is not that there is a military intelligence conspiracy to cover up Manchurian Candidate creation with the myth of borderline personality disorder. The point now is a more of a global general metapoint which is this whole network of old boys in psychiatry and psychology who were covertly funded for part of the military and CIA intelligence mind control network are very influential in the history of psychiatry in a kind of nebulous fashion that just permeates the whole field. It isn't part of the sort of one-to-one correspondences that I have been showing before. It's a matter of the whole mindset of psychiatry - how we think about borderlines, how we think about temporal lobe epilepsy, what are we going to react to MPD like? Well we are going to react to MP D like - it' a little bit more vague, a little bit more global, it's a little bit more general - but the point is that the history of psychiatry in the second half of the twentieth century is undoubtedly been strongly skewed-not by an agenda that has to do with academic research, not by the best interest of clients, not by ethical psychiatry, but by an Intelligence agenda. My beef is not with the intelligence community or the CIA. It's with the psychiatrists and the psychologists who created a little loophole where they can step out of normal ethical oversight, violate the Hippocratic Oath, get away with it, not talk about it, and just like the conspiracy to keep incest under the carpet, this is all conspired and kept under the carpet - not by twelve guys in a room at Langley who are doing the planning, but just by this pervasive old boys network that's keeping the mind control secret down just like it kept the incest secret down. So that's another reason why this is important, and needs to be uncovered. That's the end of the slides. Now I am going to come back to Jonestown a little bit, and fill you in on Jonestown and then I see I am way ahead of schedule which is fine because I have got a lot more to tell you, and you can ask a whole bunch of questions, and we can have a discussion. According to this Jonestown book - remember that there's a connection between Patty Hearst's being kidnapped by Donald Defreeze who is mind controlled by Colston Westbrook who is a CIA psy-war expert and then there is the food relief program for the ransom by Jim Jones who is being hassled by William Randolph Hearst newspaper that ties into Russell Means being on the Board. Well according to a person who survived the White Night at Jonestown, Patty Hearst's boyfriend, Steven Weed, was onsite at the People's Temple at Ukiah, California and observed talking to Jim Jones three months before the kidnapping. If that is true, then that just blows the coincidence conspiracy theory out of the water. It is too much not to be all connected up. According to the book there is pretty solid documentation to prove that Jim Jones was recruited by the CIA way back in the 1950's and he was a coercive persuasion brainwashing expert who had some Churches in Cincinatti then moved out to California. He specialize in coercive persuasion on Blacks and Native Americans, almost all of the people at Jonestown were not white except for the elite who survived and he was on-site at two South American countries - I think Brazil and British Guyana as a CIA undercover operative doing typical CIA operations as part of government overthrow both by stirring up left wing factions, stirring up labour, distributing leaflets and so on. So he was actually part of standard CIA operations going way back to the 1950's. The evidence in favour of it actually being a drug experiment is pretty weak. He says there was Drug A, Drug B and placebo and the point of the experiment was do either of the active drugs enhance the voluntary completed suicide rate of the brainwashed subjects. But he doesn't really provide any documentation to support that. He just sort of pulls that out of nowhere. So that's not very plausible. Also he talks about MKULTRA in a non-scholarly way because MKULTRA had already stopped. So it wasn't technically an MKULTRA operation. There's a lot of elaborate detail in the book. For instance Jim Jones visited Castro. There are a lot of connections between the CIA being the site for Jonestown in British Guyana before they went there and all kinds of visiting back and forth from CIA stations in the capital of Guyana to the people staying at the Temple. Like I said, one of those daughters in the Layton family was escorted out of Jonestown just before White Night by the CIA station chief. It just builds up like that. There are dozens and dozens and dozens of these kind of documented pieces of information. There is a whole bunch of stuff about people who were assassinated by the People's Temple and a bunch of numerological and letter type codes about how these people were selected and how their last names mirrored the method by which they were killed. There is this whole kind of vast detail which leaves me with the next conclusion that it is beyond coincidence. Whether it is actually a medical experiment is not clearly established, except the most compelling fact is the method of delivery of the drugs. Every night every member of the Jonestown commune had to go to the kitchen and eat one cookie in front of personnel. And he says the cookie is where the drugs were delivered. I would say the next conclusion is probably more than 50/50% likely that there was some sort of heavy CIA involvement in Jonestown, whether or not it was a drug experiment. In terms of how many people actually committed suicide, according to this book, only a minority of people committed suicide, many were shot or injected with cyanide. Only a minority actually drank it voluntarily. And when you look at the configuration of bodies on the ground, these are not people who just drank, died and fell on the ground-they are all lined up in orderly rows. There's a whole deal of how one of the Layton family members-her identity was switched with one of the other members who had lung cancer and she was actually escorted off the grounds on the grounds of having lung cancer. But there was somebody else who had lung cancer, and there is substitution of bodies, there is a claim that the guy who was identified as being Jim Jones was not actually Jim Jones. So you have to read the book to get the whole wealth of detail. I would say it is fairly compelling and persuasive. Which takes us back into how come all these guys who are connected into network tend to be experts in mind control, brainwashing, coercive persuasion, destructive cults? And why is it that destructive cults appear to specialize in creating Manchurian Candidates? Another curious twist to the story of LSD. The people who imported LSD into North America were the CIA and the military. It didn't get here through street or drug dealer routes. It got here through official military CIA mind control mechanisms. The CIA at one time actually considered buying up the world supply of LSD from Sandoz. Like I said their alternative back-up was to contract with Elli Lily to provide a secure supply of LSD. These guys were on acid-trips in the first half of the 1950's. People who first got turned on to LSD as subjects in military experiments included Gregory Bateson, Allen Ginsburg, Ken Kesey, probably Timothy Leary. Gregory Bateson was married to Margaret Mead who was funded in her anthropological work by the CIA. There is a whole other dimension of this which is funding-this is a fact. All of a sudden, boom, it's a narcotic and it's outlawed by FDA. What is the initial response of all these grey-haired fathers of psychiatry to making LSD an illegal substance? Protest, it's a bad thing, it's robbing us of a powerful psychotherapeutic agent, it's crippling our research efforts. These guys were hung out to dry. They were used by Intelligence Agencies to gather therapeutic use of LSD, interrogation use of LSD, psychotomenitic (sp) use of LSD and then when they had done their job, LSD was just canceled from academia. It was made illegal, and then a whole disinformation campaign went along with that whereby LSD was transformed from this wonderful therapeutic agent whose use was advocated by the major leading figures in psychiatry into this horrible thing that made children jump out of windows and bust up their chromosomes. It's called a "disinformation campaign". And it caught the leaders of psychiatry totally by surprise, which is hard to believe since psychiatrists are such clever political strategists in general. What about this whole creating Manchurian Candidate stuff which we see now for a fact has been going on since WWII? And according to Estabrooks, even back to WWI? We now have established for a proven fact that was going on during WWII, and the CIA was working on it in Artichoke and Bluebird from 1951-53. The Korean War only started in 1950. The disinformation was that our boys went overseas there, they got shot down, they got captured, the Communist Chinese worked on them with these strange techniques we don't understand. The person who coined the term "brainwashing" in a book was Edwin Hunter. He's a career CIA officer. This was a term coined by the CIA to explain what was happening to our boys in North Korea who were making bold statements about germ warfare activities they had been involved in. Now it could be that part of the Communist brainwashing strategy was to talk to these guys about the ethical improprieties of biological warfare and bombing they actually had been doing in North Korea. In any rate, they come home as Manchurian Candidates. We are all bent out of shape because our boys are talking Communism, so we say that we have got to start studying this reactively and defensively because of what the Commies are doing. That is the disinformation myth that has been adhered to by the Military Intelligence community steadfastly from the Korean War to the present. It's totally bullshit. It's disinformation. It's not a fact. It's a made up story to cover up the fact that actually we had operational offensive use of this psychological warfare technology already in place in WWII. Eventually we will have the names of people who were victims of experiments in the 70's and 80's and 90's. We already have the names for the 50's and 60's, not really into the 70's. We have the names of specific people who were victims of the Tuscagee Syphilis Study and the radiation experiments into the 70's. That's the way it goes. You are just pushing back that curtain and there's always this lag time because you are relying on the views of the Intelligence Community or public apathy ... "it was back in the Cold War" "it's different now" "we joined the boy scouts and we don't do that anymore". So there is always a disinformation strategy for why it happened a long time ago and we don't do it now and we are very regretful and we are so regretful that we in fact agree to compensate these victims. In Oregon there was a prison where men were paid to be subjects to participate in radiation experiments. Their testicles had been irradiated so they would get paid a certain fee to participate in the radiation of their testicles. Special arrangements were made so Catholics couldn't participate in the study because they couldn't use birth control so they might give birth to genetically mutated children ... so it had to be only non Catholic participants. There was an extra fee, it was a little bit fatter, if you would agree to testicle biopsy to see if the radiation was dropping the sperm count. When 9 of these people pressed their case to the State Legislature in Oregon in either the late 70's or early 80's, in its magnanimity, the Legislature agreed to compensate them for a total of $3000 for all nine subjects. That goes back to John Lilly who is tied into the LSD network who treated dolphins with LSD - he was involved in communication with dolphins - it is a documented fact they have been used to swim up to ships to blow them up - with bombs attached to the dolphins during the Vietnam War. John Lilly is tied into the LSD network and I have him attending CIA sponsored LSD symposia. He invented the flotation tank - flotation tank is in network in all the sensory deprivation stuff and mixed in with hallucinogens. He wrote a program on metaprogramming and the human computer which is an early artificial intelligence treatise that basically defines a modularity model of the human mind which is the dominant model of neuronetworks, all that area of artificial intelligence and a whole bunch of different Office of Naval Research funding. That is ongoing up to the present ... there is Office of Naval Research funding for this kind of project ... also for rat physiology research that has to do with modularity of brain functions and modularity of memory which all is directly relevant to creating Manchurian Candidates because you want to know the modular organization of the brain. Let's look at the stages the computer is at during WWII and run up to 1996. We have to postulate that the technical advance and the increase in complexity in mind control research operations is at least somewhat parallel to the complexity of artificial intelligence, all the rest of science, etc. So if they are still doing it, it's got to be a lot more complicated. My basic argument is that the Intelligence Community has been sold a bogus bill of goods by these guys, like G.H. Estabrooks and all his heirs down the line. It is overkill, it is unnecessary, it's ridiculous ... you can just drop it ... and there will be no operational loss. Do I know that for a fact? I haven't got the faintest idea. But that's what I propose to them-they could do their own analysis. If we are going to stop it, and let it come out to the public, that will never happen if the individual handlers and operators in the Intelligence Community are going to be nailed in public and personally responsible. So there has to be a double amnesty program ... but then there has to be financial compensation for the victims who get identified. That is less likely to happen if the compensation comes out of the Intelligence budget- therefore, it ought to come out of general Federal funds-not to reduce Intelligence funding otherwise you have set up systemic disincentive for this stuff to ever be declassified. <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. 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