-Caveat Lector-


HoustonChronicle.com -- http://www.HoustonChronicle.com | Section: The News Bizarre

Aug. 9, 2002, 4:22PM

Witches put spell on Romania's NATO, EU bids

Reuters News Service

BUCHAREST, Romania - Romanian witches threatened Friday to use their magic to prevent
Romania from joining NATO or the European Union unless the government lifted a ban on
media promotion of sorcery.

"I ordered all witches in this country to stop all magic that could help Romania join 
the EU," said Maria Campina, the country's elected True and Authentic Queen of White
Magic. "We will work against it."

Campina told Reuters Romania's white witches, estimated to number more than 100, were
upset by a National Audio-Visual Council decision last week to ban all radio and 
shows related to magic and sorcery.

"Why should politicians be allowed to act as stars on television... and we are 
banned?" she
asked, adding that her six daughters and some 80 other witches could combine
supernatural forces to thwart Romania's EU and NATO bids.

Romania expects to get an invitation to join NATO at an alliance summit in November and
hopes to be accepted into the the EU in 2007.

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HoustonChronicle.com -- http://www.HoustonChronicle.com | Section: The News Bizarre
This article is: http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/bizarre/1528341
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--- Ernest Hemingway

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