-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.guardian.co.uk/ukresponse/story/0,11017,773100,00.html

UK targets at risk of cyber terror

Richard Norton-Taylor
Monday August 12, 2002
The Guardian

Britain faces a growing threat of an electronic attack by terrorists linked to 
al-Qaida that
could paralyse key public services, including electricity and water supplies, the
government's adviser on computer security has told the Guardian.

For terrorist groups like al-Qaida with limited resources, it would be "a very 
method" of attack, that would cause "huge damage", said Stephen Cummings, director of
the National Infrastructure Security Coordination Centre.

It is actively working with the intelligence services, including GCHQ, to gather 
about the electronic capabilities of terror groups. The centre, a little-known unit 
based in
the Home Office, was set up three years ago to alert government agencies and companies
to threats to computer networks and protect what it calls Britain's critical national
infrastructure, or CNI.

The CNI includes those parts of the country's infrastructure "for which continuity is 
important to national life that loss, significant disruption, or degradation of 
service would
have life-threatening, serious economic, or other grave consequences for the 
It covers telecommunications, energy, finance, transport, central government, water, 
services, and emergency services.

Terrorist groups, including al-Qaida, are already well aware of the potentially 
effect of electronic attacks, according to Mr Cummings. Such attacks would have the
advantage for terrorists of being extremely difficult to trace.

American newspapers this summer reported that signs of al-Qaida's skills in cyberspace
prompted US officials to conclude that terrorists were at the threshold of using the 
as a weapon to kill - for example, by taking control of floodgates in a dam, or of 

Mr Cummings stressed that terror groups did not yet have the capability to mount such
attacks. Much more likely and more common would be further attacks on individual
websites using a virus or worm or through hacking.

But he said that while the threat of an attack that would knock out a critical public 
service or
power source was lower than attacks on websites, it was increasing.

"Terrorists are aware of the potential," he said. "Al-Qaida would be interested in 
the capability."

If it recruited someone who worked inside an organisation such as a water or power
company, "it could happen tomorrow," he said.

Electronic attack could sabotage the software controlling the distribution of power or 
flow of water, for example.

The security services got a shock this year when a group of researchers at Oulu 
in Finland reported that a worldwide software network, the simple network management
protocol, or SNMP as it is commonly known, was vulnerable to attack.

Mr Cummings' office sent out warnings advising Whitehall departments and companies to
install patches - coded electronic "sticking plaster" designed to protect systems from 
attack - or to separate SNMP traffic from the rest of their computer systems.

Private security companies also say there is growing evidence of attempts at electronic

"They are trying to get in through the back doors of office networks, which are quite
vulnerable," said Christophe Huygens of Belgium-based Ubizen.

NISCC issued 34 serious alerts last year, compared with just seven the year before.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002
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