-Caveat Lector-

Who did fly the planes into the towers then? Dont tell me....Osama Bin Laden
and his gang? Hmmm dont you think it would be better to get him first
then... before going after Saddam? And how about freeing the palestinians
from their Prison and sorting out peace there first hmmm?
Who do you think did it then Nurev Ind (sounds like the ballet dancer)
Psycho Moron eh well Ive been called lots of things but this is a new one..
Duh ..Ill have to look it up in the dictionary.....The Mermaid (ever
gratefull for your supreme words of wisdom!)
----- Original Message -----
From: Nurev Ind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Zionists

> Oh Jeez! What is it about this list that draws from an endless source of
> psycho/morons?
> Is there nothing you people won't believe? No matter how stupid?
> =============
> > We have a question bugging us on my list at the moment IF there was no
> flight 77 which went into the pentagon where are the passengers?.
> ==========
> Why, they are floating around up there in the Rapture of course.
> There WAS a fl77. It did crash into the Pentagon. There is no doubt about
> what so ever. Saying otherwise is lying bullshit.
> Get a grip on reality here Mermaid.
> J2
> ===============================================

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