-Caveat Lector-

Latest attack on Jews brings a deafening silence

By Rosie Dimanno
The Toronto Star
December 2, 2002

There's no haven for Jews. Not within Israel and
not without.

The earth is stained with their blood: From an El
Al counter in Los Angeles to a beach resort in

Their children, their elderly, their scholars,
their farmers, the diaspora of their tribe — all
at home and abroad. Shopping for food, riding a
bus, strolling across a campus, dining as
families in restaurants, dancing in clubs,
worshipping in synagogues. Not a blessed place in
the world is safe.

The carnage in Kenya last Thursday is only the
most recent atrocity but no doubt history will
recall it as a defining moment in the modern-day
Holocaust of Jews — a point where all buffers
of presumed security were breached, when the war
of attrition against Israelis went
extra-territorial, crossing geographical borders
and moral boundaries. Those shredded bodies
of vacationers who believed themselves somehow
beyond the reach of homicide bombers are
sad testament to the reality of their predicament.
And the poor victims who were not Jews, the
Kenyan dancers welcoming new arrivals to a holiday
hotel, they were but expendable
bit-players, the collateral damage of Jew-hating

Palestinians might revile Israelis as oppressors
and occupiers, might bleat to the international
community for redress of their political
grievances. But Palestinians the world over aren't
down like dogs. Arabs the world over aren't
targeted for extermination. Muslims the world over

aren't murdered in packs. Humankind would not
stand for it. The Pan-Arab alliance would not
stand for it. Islamic countries would not stand
for it.

Imagine, if Zionist terrorists armed with
shoulder-held rockets had attempted to bring down
Saudi airplane, as unidentified militants had
attempted to blast an El Al flight out of the sky
Kenya, simultaneous with the Mombasa bombing — a
two-pronged attack suggesting
sophisticated planning and a network of
operatives, with the fingerprints of Al Qaeda all
over it.
The reverse scenario — Jew on Muslim — would be
grounds for war, for a unified assault on
Israel. And the West would be hard-pressed to
interdict, to mollify.

Ah, but these are just dead Jews. And we are
accustomed to their dying.

I have been waiting, in the days since Thursday's
abominable attack, for just one word of
sympathy, of pity, from the Muslim world. One note
of commiseration to emanate from inside the
thousands of mosques, one hint of regret and
empathy from commentators ever ready to assail
any Israeli misstep and aggression. But the
silence has been deafening.

Islam, that great religion of peace, has had
nothing to say of more murdered Jews. That silent
majority that disapproves of extremism, that
argues the Muslim faith has been ill-served by
militants who've twisted every article of the
Islamic faith — not a murmur of renunciation of
who commit such travesties in their name. Where is
the rage?

If little in the way of revulsion might have been
expected from the hostile nations that surround
Israel, then surely a word of consolation from
moderate Muslims in the West might have been
forthcoming. Yet I've heard nary an utterance from
the very same agencies and organizations,
purportedly representing Muslims and Arabs, that
are so vigilant about pouncing on any
perceived racism or intolerance against their
people, even in this country. Nothing from the
Canadian Islamic Congress, nothing from the
Canadian Muslim Civil Liberties Association,
nothing from the Palestinian-Canadian Student
Society, nothing from the Canadian Arab
Friendship Association, nothing from the Canadian
Society of Muslims. To name a few.

Only the beleaguered Palestinians themselves, in a
poll taken before Thursday's tragic events,
have expressed weariness with the whole campaign
of violence aimed at Israel, this as one lone
voice — a potential successor to Arafat — has
declared that the intifadah must stop because it
has done nothing to further the Palestinian cause.

It's impossible to disentangle the war against the
Jews from the larger Islamist war against the
West. Assuredly, the misery of Palestinians was
not what motivated the terrorist agenda of
Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Bin Laden,
preoccupied with routing America's presence in the

Arab world, militarily and culturally, paid only
passing lip service to the plight of Palestinians
the occupied territories. At some point, they
became a postscript to his anti-Western,
anti-American screeds. But others quickly linked
the micro-terrorism to the macro-terrorism, as if
to invest Al Qaeda and like-minded terrorist
networks to a more palatable cause. And in this
they've been rather successful, with a
rationalizing argument that offers endemic Islamic

grievances on the one hand and Israeli truculence
on the other. It is a sham of an argument,
illogical at its core, but repeat a lie often
enough and it will become the lingua franca of

Israel, as it has learned from history, cannot
depend on any other nation, any other alliance of
nations, not even its great and steadfast friend
America, to fight its battles, ensure its security
avenge its dead. In the same way Mossad tracked
down and eliminated the freed perpetrators
of the Munich Massacre in 1972, its
counter-terrorist experts will likely, insofar as
they are able,
track down and eliminate those who committed
Thursday's vile attacks. But this is a new
generation of global terrorism and Israel's
enemies — like the West's enemies — no longer
stand out in a crowd. In many parts of the world,
they are the crowd. Islamist pretenders,
fomenting hatred in the masses, have made sure of
that. And they are like cockroaches,
scurrying out of the geopolitical cracks — in
Saudi Arabia, in Yemen, in East Africa, in the
Philippines, in Indonesia, even in America and

They kill Jews. They kill Americans. They kill
Australians who had the temerity to push
rampaging Indonesian paramilitaries out of East
Timor, a predominantly Catholic fledgling state.
They kill Kenyan dancers and civil employees. They
kill French engineers. They blow up
skyscrapers and bring down airplanes. They do all
this with Allah's name on their lips.

And some day, I fear they'll come for you.

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