On Tue 07 Mar 2017 at 23:58:40 -0600, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
> - OpaqueMove and OpaqueResize.  The former dates back to twm; the
>   latter came in with ctwm 1.1.  The main reason these are non-default
>   is performance; they make the server work a lot harder to keep up.
>   That's why they're so slow and choppy visually, and pretty much make
>   everything else on the system grind to a halt when you use them.

In fact, the drawing of the outlines is done with the display (b)locked,
so it will prevent all other programs from painting. Another reason to
prefer the opaque versions. (Yes I used to have a Sun 3/60 as X display,
and later a HP 700 X server, and there outlining was useful, but today
not so much any more).

> - StartInMapState.  This is probably partially as it is for

I think that in the beginning I was not even aware of the Map state.
Only when I pressed the CTRL key accidentally when in the button window
I discovered it. Note that permanently switching the state doesn't need
to use f.setmapstate / f.setbuttonsstate / f.togglestate. Pressing CTRL
while the workspace manager has focus, and only releaseing it when it
lost focus, is a good way to switch.

> - RandomPlacement.  I'll bet there are old twm-heads who want to
>   manually place every window that comes up and not be able to do
>   anything else until they do.  But I'd give good odds there are a
>   zarking lot more on the other side.  And like the above, it exists
>   in pretty much every config file I can find out in the world.

In fact, if the manual placement comes up while a screen locker is active
(at least with xscreensaver) ctwm goes in a busy loop while it is trying
to display the frame.

> Comments?  Agreements?  Arguments?  Torches and pitchforks?  Cake?

Looks good to me.

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert  -- Wayland: Those who don't understand X
\X/ rhialto/at/xs4all.nl    -- are condemned to reinvent it. Poorly.

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