Now that 4.0.0 is out the door, it's time to look at what comes next.

There's certainly plenty left to do in going through the code,
cleaning it up, and commenting the crap out of it.  I plan to continue
that.  I'd also like to try moving us forward to some newer X
interfaces, like XCB-based stuff.  Which leads to:

To figure out good bounds and directions, you gotta know what you're
running on.  XCB, for instance, has been a shipping standard part of releases since X11R7.6, from 2010, and was probably a usual part
of a lot of X installs for a couple years before that.  That's
probably a little recent for us to go so far as _requiring_ it, but
I'd think it's solidly in common enough we can assume it's _usual_.

So, who's got a weird X install?  I probably mean the libraries as
much or more than the server.  Is anybody still running Xi Graphics or
eXceed or some other X stack other than something reasonably recent
from the folks?

And, what other things would you like to see in ctwm 4.1.0?  Which,
hopefully, we can manage to get around to somewhat quicker than

Matthew Fuller     (MF4839)   |
Systems/Network Administrator |
           On the Internet, nobody can hear you scream.

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