Just for information, in case anyone is interested:

It turns out that there's a long sequence of messages referring to "huge"
title bars, related to font processing problems in ctwm (or in linux??):


I wrote:

> I think that for now I'll have to give up and put up with fat title-bars
> on windows produced by ctwm and come back to this problem later when I've
> caught up with other tasks.

After trying and disliking that solution, I've now decided that a better
solution is to *remove* title bars and

-- slightly increase window border width (to 3) to make borders easier to
   grab for re-sizing

-- provide a few more actions controlled by previously unused, or no longer
   usable (because there's no title bar) keyboard function keys and mouse
   [I am not sure if this risks problems with applications that use
   function keys. Presumably they will not pass the function key activation
   through to ctwm.]

Now moving windows is fairly easy with two hands (using ALT plus mouse
(not so easy with touchpad on laptop).

Having lost the title-bar I've lost the delete button that was on it, but
setting an unused function key (in my case F10) to f.delete makes deleting
a window easy (possibly too easy?)

Likewise using mouse/keypad Button3 to invoke f.resize and two buttons for
fullzoom and (vertical) zoom.

It occurs to me that there must be several users who have decided to use
ctwm without title bars, who may have .ctwmrc files with useful examples
others could copy.

At risk of triggering a flood, if anyone on this list who has a .ctwmrc
file that dispenses with title bars, I'll be happy to learn from it, and
perhaps later post a summary.

Thanks for tips so far. Perhaps I should have abandoned title bars long


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