On 14 Jun 2002 14:33, Claude Lecommandeur wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Jun 2002 20:56:00 -0400
> Bjorn Knutsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> remarque astucieusement:
> > So, now that the list is up again, can we look forward to an updated
> > version with all outstanding patches applied?
> > 
> > And maybe a new distribution site? The old one no longer works.
>    Ctwm is still accessible at :
> http://slpc1.epfl.ch/public/software/ctwm/

Great, but until now, that site was a complete secret to me. And to
Google. And to Alta Vista. And, as far as I can tell, to all
CTWM-related sites/pages on the web.

"slhp1.epfl.ch/public/ctwm" on the other hand, is pointed to by a
couple of sites, but that URL no longer works.

It's a little bit like the tree falling in the forest with nobody to
hear it. "If you put a page up on the web and nobody links to it, does
it exist?"

>From the dates, I see that 3.6 has been there since late 2001, yet
http://ctwm.dl.nu/ which I consider the premier (only?) CTWM page on
the web has no link to it. On more careful examination, it seems that
3.6 *is* there, but only as a RedHat RPM?!?


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