On Tue, 27 Aug 2002 15:46:02 +0300
Elisheva Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> remarque astucieusement:

> hi,
> two configuration questions:
> as far as i can see NoTitleFocus is supposed to do let me do click to focus.
> however, no matter what i do. when my pointer runs over a window
> it gets focused. how can i leave the focus on the last clicked
> window instead of the window i am pointing at?

  Use ClickToFocus, it is not documented but seems to work fine.

> also, is there any way i can decide on a bunch of windows that will not
> be in the window ring? (WindowRing only lets me decide who will
> be there. i was thinking of using f.ring to remove those windows from
> the ring, but i am not sure how to invoke it when the window is
> first drawn)

   use WindowRingExclude.


Claude Lecommandeur           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EPFL - SIC                    +41 21 693 22 97
1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)   http://slwww.epfl.ch/SIC/SL/info/Claude.html

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