
   I am happy to see many people still using ctwm (I use it too of course), but
unfortunately I have really no time now to to all the necessary house keeping
there is to do to maintain the project alive. I have less and less time to answer
questions, or fix bugs, and no time at all for passing patchs and maintaining a
main stream version. I promised a new version several months ago but didn't find
the time to do it.

   If someone is willing to take over the project, he is welcome. It looks very
hard at the first glance to maintain the ctwm code, but if you are fluent in C
and have a few days to become familiar to the code, it is not that difficult
anf I'll be happy to help when necessary.

   It's now more that ten years that I distribute and maintain ctwm (I couldn't
find version 1.0 (if someone has a copy ?) but version 1.1 is dated from 1992-06-24).
Ooops, I feel pretty old suddenly.



On Fri, 3 Jan 2003 17:54:19 -0500
"Nathanial P. Hendler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am trying to find out the status of CTWM.  I am worried that the
> project is over, and want to see if it needs to be picked up by
> someone.  I have shotgun emailed a bunch of addresses that I think for
> one reason or another may be the most knowledgeable CTWM
> users/developers, I am sorry if this isn't of interest to you.
> 1) Does anyone know the status of CTWM?  The website is down, the list
> is dead, and the freshmeat page was closed.
> 2) Is anyone interested in continuing the development of CTWM if it is
> indeed been abandoned?
> I do not have the skills to lead the project, but I use CTWM, and
> would feel sad to see it die.  I am willing to setup CVS, mailing
> list, setup a wiki, host a website.  In other words I am willing to
> setup the logistical needs for a development team (or person) that
> wants to continue working on CTWM if it is needed.
> Sorry to bother anyone.
> Thanks,
> Nathanial Hendler
> Tucson, AZ USA
> http://retards.org/

Claude Lecommandeur           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EPFL - SIC                    +41 21 693 22 97
1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)  

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