I am a long-time user of ctwm.

I recently upgraded to FreeBSD 4.7, and installed the "port" of
CTWM.  This appears to be version 3.6.

It compiled and installed smoothly, and worked straight away.

But it exhibits very strange behaviour.

When windows are created, they seem to be "outside" the normal
stack of windows.  They look like they are at the front, or top of the
stack.  But when I raise an existing window, it comes to the top
of the windows that are BEHIND the new window!  But it DOESN'T come in
front of the new window, which remains on the top until I explicitly
change its depth: sending it to the back does what you would expect.
Bringing it to the top/front appears at the time to make no
difference, BUT once this it has been done, other windows can now
come on top of the new one.

It sounds a bit weird, so here is a concrete example.  Suppose I have
a handful of xterms overlapping another, and a Mozilla window.  I ask
Mozilla to open a web page in a new window.  A new duly appears on top
of all the existing windows.  If I now go to one of the xterms, and
"raise" it, it comes to the front of the xterms --- and, indeed, the
original Mozilla window.  But it stays BEHIND the new Mozilla window.
All the windows do this: it is possible to re-arrange their order, but
they at all times stay behind the new window.  Now, I raise the new
Mozilla window.  It is already fully visible, so nothing appears to
happen.  BUT NOW, when I raise the xterms, they will come properly to
the top, and obscure the new Mozilla window....

This is such a weird fault, it can't simply be a bug in ctwm.  I'm
assuming that something hsa got "dented" or "broken" in the process of
porting it to FreeBSD.  But what?

Now, I have a vague memory of running into something like this many
years ago, when I first started using ctwm (also on BSD).  But that is
now so long ago, I don't remember the details.  

I think, though, that Claude thought I had somehow messed up applying a
patch or similar, and I fixed the problem by re-compiling a new clean

But this *IS* a clean version, installed automatically...

Can anyone give me any clues?  Any idea what this might be?

If I were to start trying to track this down, where should I look?


Insert witticism here

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