On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 12:35 PM, Daniel Stenberg <dan...@haxx.se> wrote:

> Further downsides with the renames:
> * Patches for older curl versions now suddenly don't apply anymore and will
>   give us (and others) much more work to apply. This will not only affect a
>   couple of patches that I have pending in the mailing list but also in the
>   bug tracker. There's also about a bazillion distros out there with distro
>   specific patches that suddenly get version-specific file name changes
>   (where the patches could otherwise apply to multiple versions).
> * History tracking/git log is much harder and annoying with file renames. So
>   while it can be handled, things like the github's history breaks and
>   bisecting things will require more work.

I already commented on github on the patch itself, but I want to add
to what Daniel said above - we use Git at work, and although Git
itself tries to support history tracking with renames, it can never
work truly well. What happens in practice is that you suddenly have a
short history (for 'git log' and tons of other commands), and then
you'll have to try combinations of -M and -C and hope that you can get
to the historic info you need.  The one thing I have learned to regret
and avoid is massive renames and moves, it only creates grief. And
yes, forget about applying existing patches in a general way.


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