Kurushin Andrey <ajax16384 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> 1. the main bug report (filezilla vs far manager vs curl) contains test of 
> test results (ping >8ms).  recent tests (with custom builds of 7.28.1) were 
made inside single subnet (ping
> < 1ms) so they have better speed values. 

Doing transfers over the internet is a whole other story than doing it in a LAN.
I think you are addressing 2 different issues here.
Optimizing for very high bandwidth (over 100MBit/s) might need some additional
work on the internals of curl which are out of scope of the issue you described.

I'm very interested if the speed-problem you described initially when doing 
country transfers over the internet is solved by the patch you wrote. By solved
I mean getting the same or better performance than FileZilla or similar tools.
If the problem is not solved I can't really imagine what the problem is, because
the Windows TCP-Stack should increase the SO_SNBUF itself as necessary. That's
why the manual adjustment of SO_SNDBUF should only have a very minor effect.



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