On Thu, 9 Aug 2018, Daniel Jeliński via curl-library wrote:

 char *append = "&thistoo=44";

Well assuming we want to use the API to build URL based on HTML form with GET action, curl_url_query_append suggested by Geoff would be much nicer.

Yes, you're right. I've taken a more generic approach that isn't at all aware of HTML forms.

In particular, I would expect the API to:
- figure out if it needs to add & or ?
- figure out if it needs to URLEncode the parameter or value (eg. when
setting "company"="AT&T", we need to escape the ampersand)
- do the appending / memory allocation part on its own
What do you think?

I hear you! How about...

A dedicated feature bit to append the string to the query?

  /* append to query, ask for encoding */
  curl_url_set(h, CURLUPART_QUERY, "company=AT&T", CURLU_APPENDQUERY|

  /* append to query, already encoded */
  curl_url_set(h, CURLUPART_QUERY, "company=AT%26T", CURLU_APPENDQUERY);

- CURLU_APPENDQUERY makes it also add a '&' before the string if there's
  already contents in the query.
- CURLU_URLENCODE with CURLU_APPENDQUERY set, will skip the '=' letter when
  doing the encoding


 / daniel.haxx.se
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