On Fri, 19 Jul 2019, Daniel Jeliński wrote:

Here's what we found in the logs:

18:54:41.002 T#12216 Connectivity::my_trace - "== Info: We are
completely uploaded and fine"
18:54:41.002 T#12216 Connectivity::my_trace - "== Info: Remembering we
are in dir \"\""
18:54:51.012 T#12216 Connectivity::my_trace - "== Info: FTP response timeout"
18:54:51.012 T#12216 Connectivity::my_trace - "== Info: control
connection looks dead"

This does indeed look like the control connection has been dropped while the transfer was done. At least that's the symptom of that.

The problem is that the first line above (completely uploaded and fine) is logged when the OS accepts the last application buffer into OS buffer. And Windows accepts buffers whole - send never returns a partial result, it's either all or nothing. So we log that we are finished while we still have 1MB outstanding on data connection.

That would be highly annoying and special, and this winsock docs[1] says otherwise:

  On nonblocking stream oriented sockets, the number of bytes written can be
  between 1 and the requested length, depending on buffer availability on both
  the client and server computers.

[1] = https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winsock2/nf-winsock2-send

Curl FTP expects a response on control connection within 10 seconds
after it sends the last data buffer, and then declares the connection
dead. While we could probably modify that timeout, we have no way to
tell how much time is enough.

Right, but longer than 10 seconds response time in a case where the control connection actually is still alive should be extremely rare.


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