On Wed, 4 Sep 2019, Richard G Elen via curl-library wrote:

We're trying to pull in the data from https://streams.ourstation.org:2199/rpc/ourstation/streaminfo.get. It constantly returns "Failed to connect to streams.ourstation.org port 2199: Connection refused" - but only when accessed from our admin.ourstation.org host. All other machines we can test from return the data flawlessly.

There isn't a lot of information here and what there is raises
questions.  For example, the error message here doesn't match the PHP
code supplied.

But "Connection refused" is generally a socket error due to handshake
failure in TCP setup.  This would be caused by firewalls, bad dns
setup, bad routing, bad NAT config, angry server aborting connection.
A packet trace from 'wireshark/tcpdump' would reveal what is going
on and who is responsible.

But it seems likely you have some DNS hacks/breakage.  {admin,streams}.
ourstation.org do not resolve to anything so either this is more
misleading info or you have DNS hackery in play.

Finally, 'curl --libcurl' will help you write better setup code.


Monty Brandenberg, Software Engineer                               MCB, Inc.
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