"Thomas Mueller" <mueller6...@twc.com> wrote:
>I may need to buy parts for a new computer because of malfunctions on
>current motherboard and CPU (Intel Sandy Bridge dating to May 2011).


>I tried replacing the thermal paste and installing a new case fan to
>replace one that had quit, but CPU temperature still shows and stays at
>97 C.
>Now I have a replacement Arctic Cooler heatsink and fan on order to
>replace the original Intel heatsink and fan whose connectors were
>damaged in taking out and struggling to get back in.

I just replaced the original AMD heatsink on my main build machine with
an Arctic one and it is working really well. Maybe just try the new
cooler first.

I even had to turn off a BIOS alarm for low fan speed as the fan is off
most of the time.

# envstat
                       Current  CritMax  WarnMax  WarnMin  CritMin  Unit
      CPU FAN Speed:         0              7200      600            RPM
  CHASSIS FAN Speed:         0              7200      600            RPM
    CPU Temperature:    38.000   95.000   60.000                    degC
     MB Temperature:    34.000   75.000   45.000                    degC
      Vcore Voltage:     0.924    1.600                      0.850     V
       +3.3 Voltage:     3.324    3.630                      2.970     V
         +5 Voltage:     5.010    5.500                      4.500     V
        +12 Voltage:    11.878   13.800                     10.200     V
   cpu0 temperature:    20.000                                      degC

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