from Robert Swindells and my previous post:

> >I tried replacing the thermal paste and installing a new case fan to
> >replace one that had quit, but CPU temperature still shows and stays at
>97 C.  
> >Now I have a replacement Arctic Cooler heatsink and fan on order to
> >replace the original Intel heatsink and fan whose connectors were 
> >damaged in taking out and struggling to get back in.
> I just replaced the original AMD heatsink on my main build machine with
> an Arctic one and it is working really well. Maybe just try the new
> cooler first.

> I even had to turn off a BIOS alarm for low fan speed as the fan is off
> most of the time.
> # envstat
>                        Current  CritMax  WarnMax  WarnMin  CritMin  Unit
> [aibs0] 
>       CPU FAN Speed:         0              7200      600            RPM
>   CHASSIS FAN Speed:         0              7200      600            RPM
>     CPU Temperature:    38.000   95.000   60.000                    degC
>      MB Temperature:    34.000   75.000   45.000                    degC
>       Vcore Voltage:     0.924    1.600                      0.850     V
>        +3.3 Voltage:     3.324    3.630                      2.970     V
>          +5 Voltage:     5.010    5.500                      4.500     V
>         +12 Voltage:    11.878   13.800                     10.200     V
> [amdtemp0] 
>    cpu0 temperature:    20.000                                      degC
Thanks for your tip on envstat!  I wouldn't have known about that.  I can't 
find anything like that in FreeBSD.

I ran envstat on the computer I am using now, and later tried on the 
overheating computer.

On the overheating computer, I booted a NetBSD installation single-user, 
immediately ran envstat several times.  

CPU temperature went from 97 C to 98 C, and there was a warning console message 
about the CPU being critically hot.

I then ran "shutdown -p now".

Reason for booting single-user was to make the root filesystem read-only.  That 
way, if the power cut off, and I couldn't unmount cleanly, the root filesystem 
would remain unchanged.

It seems to me the CPU temoerature would drop to near room temperature when the 
power is off.  So I suspect either an error in the CPU or motherboard 
temperature sensor, or the heatsink could be clogged or otherwise 

Replacing the heatsink and fan is the logical next step, and the replacement 
Arctic cooler is already ordered and in transit.


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