CVE Board Members,

At our last Board meeting, the AWG/OCWG recommended (with caveats) that the new 
web site be deployed today (September 23).

The Development team addressed all of the caveats that were listed.  The 
Secretariat had plans to deploy today (September 23) per the recommendation.

At the Transition Working Group today we had a couple of issues that were 
identified that the group felt needed to be addressed before we deploy:

  1.  Some historical CVE Record Descriptions are rendering very "messy".   
This is because the descriptions fields as submitted by various CNAs in the 
past have themselves been "messy".  The Transition Work Group felt that there 
should be some messaging to the CNA community that notifies them of this fact 
AND that they will have the ability to "clean" their descriptions up when CVE 
Services 2.x gets deployed in November.  (i.e., MITRE will not be in a position 
to do "Description Cleanup" on historically, poorly formatted record 
submissions .. it will be the owning CAN's responsibility to maintain their 
records ).  This message needs to be crafted and sent out around the time (or 
before) the Web Site is deployed.

  1.  It was also identified that in some case,  CVE records were incorrectly 
being translated from what was submitted on Github and what was being rendered 
on the new website.

Although, the  Transition Working Group thought item (a) was concerning, it was 
agreed that item (b) was a "show stopper" and it was decided that the Web Site 
deployment would be postponed until September 28.

Between now and Monday  (September 27) the development team will  identify the 
issue (and the fix) and will report a status update from which we will make a 
decision on whether to deploy on Tuesday (September 28).

If you have any questions you can feel free to forward them to me or Chris L.



Kris Britton

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