Regarding the CWE submission form


it... uses ascii art boxes/etc,

Also instructions are unclear: "Your entry should include either oa Name(s)
or Class for each element, but not both."

What is an oa Name(s)?

As for the Language Name/OS/etc there are lists, are these comprehensive or
can we add to them? e.g.:

 Language Name: Ada, ASP, ASP.NET, Basic, C, COBOL, C++, C#, Fortran, F#,
HTML, Java, Javascript, JSP, Objective-C, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby,
SQL, Shell, Swift, VB.Net, XML, Other
Language Class: Assembly, Compiled, Interpreted, Language-Independent

Also it says:

"At this time, The CWE team is unable to include diagrams on CWE entry
pages, but we are looking into incorporating them in the future."

is there any ETA on this?

I have some more questions but I'm finally getting around to my list of 200
vulns about 1/4 to 1/2 of which should probably be added to CWE and trying
to figure out how to do this efficiently. Thanks

Kurt Seifried (He/Him)

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