Red Hat adopted the following definition of a weakness a year or so ago. "A
weakness is specifically the absence of a safeguard in an asset or process
that provides a higher potential or frequency of a threat occurring, but
does not meet the exploitability criteria for a vulnerability."  We've also
defined vulnerability much more broadly to include weaknesses as a subset
"A weakness or absence of a safeguard in an asset that provides a higher
potential or frequency of a threat occurring."  We were running into
differing opinions when we looked at each as separate and unique.  The
other factor we've called out internally is hardening.  The key difference
between a weakness and hardening for us is that a weakness is a direct
factor in the potential and frequency vs hardening which are safeguards
which prevent.

On Tue, May 24, 2022 at 12:49 PM Alec J Summers <> wrote:

> Dear CWE/CAPEC Board Members,
> Good afternoon! I hope the week is going well for you all.
> During a recent CWE/CAPEC User Experience Working Group session, the topic
> of definitions came up – more specifically, the difficulty in agreeing on
> good ones and making sure they are understood by downstream users. It also
> reminded me of Pietro’s comment during our February meeting, I believe, on
> the importance of harmonious definitions for similar terms across the CVE
> and CWE/CAPEC sites. To that end, the team went ahead and did a quick
> document authorities search of our key terminology to start (i.e.,
> vulnerability, weakness, attack pattern), and suggested the following:
> *Term*
> *Definition*
> *Authority*
> *Authorities Doc*
> *Vulnerability*
> *A flaw in a software, firmware, hardware, or service component resulting
> from a weakness that can be exploited, causing a negative impact to the
> confidentiality, integrity, or availability of an impacted component or
> components. (not changed)*
> *CVE*
> *website*
> *Weakness*
> *A type of mistake made during the implementation, design, or other phases
> of a product lifecycle that, under the right conditions, could contribute
> to the introduction of vulnerabilities in a range of products made by
> different vendors.*
> *n/a*
> *edited from def on CWE wesbite*
> *Attack Pattern*
> *The common approach and attributes related to the exploitation of a known
> weakness type, usually in cyber-enabled capabilities *
> *n/a*
> *edited from def on CAPEC website*
> The full spreadsheet of definitions to compare is attached. The plan would
> be to unify the definitions according to the above across all our sites.
> Would love to hear your thoughts.
> Cheers,
> Alec
> --
> *Alec J. Summers*
> Center for Securing the Homeland (CSH)
> Cyber Security Engineer, Principal
> Group Lead, Cybersecurity Operations and Integration
> *––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––*
> *MITRE - Solving Problems for a Safer World™*


Jeremy West

Red Hat Product Security

Red Hat Massachusetts <>

314 Littleton Rd
M: 9192686967     IM: hobbit

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