Good afternoon!

With the release of the Top25 and CWE v4.8, I wanted to pick this thread up 
from where we got it a month or so ago. As a refresher, the User Experience 
Working Group (UEWG) agreed on these definitions as updates to what are 
currently in the CWE and CAPEC glossaries for these terms:

A flaw in a software, firmware, hardware, or service component resulting from a 
weakness that can be exploited, causing a negative impact to the 
confidentiality, integrity, or availability of an impacted component or 
A type of mistake made during the implementation, design, or other phases of a 
product lifecycle that, under the right conditions, could contribute to the 
introduction of vulnerabilities in a range of products made by different 
Attack Pattern
The common approach and attributes related to the exploitation of a known 
weakness type, usually in cyber-enabled capabilities

One thing is that this “definitions harmonization” effort started as an effort 
to align definitions across the CWE and CAPEC sites which don’t agree on 
“weakness” and “attack pattern” definitions… surprising, no?

CVE’s definition for ‘vulnerability’ was agreed upon after significant 
community deliberation, and I am hesitant to open that up for further edit at 
this time.

For that reason, I propose CWE and CAPEC adopt the current CVE definition for 
‘vulnerability’, and work to harmonize the ‘weakness’ and ‘attack pattern’ 
definitions on the sites.

  1.  I believe that Jeremy’s definition for weakness focuses too much on the 
absence of a safeguard/control versus a mistake/error. This has come up in 
previous scoping conversations for CWE, where its not always the case that the 
‘absence of a mitigation’ warrants a new weakness type
  2.  I appreciate Alex’s set-theory type definition scheme and I think the 
definitions mostly. For weakness, however, while the UEWG agrees on the ‘XXX 
that could become a vulnerability’, I think the added detail in the table above 
is helpful. The connection between attack patterns and weakness types is 
present in both our definitions as well.

I think we could certainly debate these definitions till the proverbial cows 
come home. I propose using the CWE- and CAPEC-research email listservs for 
further community comment. I’d like to establish a timeline (say Friday, July 
29?) for accepting feedback, after which we can formally the terms in the CWE 
and CAPEC glossaries.

Are there any objections to this course of action? If not, I will send out 
notes to the listservs by midweek.


Alec J. Summers
Center for Securing the Homeland (CSH)
Cyber Security Engineer, Principal
Group Lead, Cybersecurity Operations and Integration
MITRE - Solving Problems for a Safer World™

From: Fung, Jason M <>
Date: Tuesday, May 31, 2022 at 1:33 PM
To: Hoole, Alexander <>, 
<>, Seifried, Kurt <>
Cc: Alec J Summers <>, CWE CAPEC Board 
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Glossary
Love the definitions!

The only part to nitpick is this phrase “vulnerability is a property of …”  I 
am not sure if vulnerability is commonly perceived as a “property”.  E.g., the 
following sentence does not read as smoothly if vulnerability is replaced with 

“In December of 2021, a new vulnerability (property) has been identified within 

I associate vulnerability as an exploitable bug that takes advantage of 1 or 
more weaknesses.

- Jason

From: Alexander Hoole <>
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2022 6:39 PM
To: Jeremy West <>; Kurt Seifried <>
Cc: Alec J Summers <>; CWE CAPEC Board 
Subject: [EXT] RE: Glossary

Good afternoon/evening Everyone,

Please consider the following points:

  1.  I agree with Jason O. that the terms are a stepping stone to 
understanding how these concepts play out in the real world.  However, a 
slightly different perspective is the following (without defining all of the 
base terms):
     *   A bug is an instance of a flaw/fault/error/defect in the design, 
development/implementation, or operation of a system.
     *   A weaknesses is a bug that could (i.e., may, or may not) lead to a 
vulnerability. Weakness types define logical groupings of bugs which share 
similar properties (e.g., Buffer Overflow).
     *   A vulnerability is a property of system requirements, design, 
implementation, or operation that can be accidentally or intentionally 
exploited (resulting in a security failure). A vulnerability is made possible 
due to the presence of one or more underlying weaknesses.
     *   An exploit successfully results in a security failure through one or 
more vulnerabilities which does exploit underlying weaknesses.
     *   An attack is an attempt to exploit one or more vulnerabilities that 
could lead to an exploit. Attack patterns define logical groupings of attacks 
which share similar properties and approaches related to underlying weakness 

Note: the distinction between can and could is a comparison of probability.  
Can is likely to occur.  Could is less likely to occur.

  1.  Regarding the Red Hat definition, if we want to be consistent with other 
standards and best practices, we should probably use the term “control” rather 
than “safeguard” (e.g., NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5).

To test the observations, we should be able to apply the terms to descript 
actual occurrences in the context we are trying to represent.  For example, 
consider the following:

“In December of 2021, a new vulnerability has been identified within Log4J 
under the common name Log4Shell 
(CVE-2021-44228<>). This 
vulnerability affects version 2.0-beta9 through 2.15.0 (excluding security 
releases 2.12.2, 2.12.3, and 2.3.1). Specifically, CVE-2021-44228 is caused by 
an underlying JNDI Injection and LDAP Entry Poisoning weaknesses which exists 
in the affected versions. To date, multiple exploits have been recorded across 
the industry where attacks targeting CVE-2021-44228 have been observed (e.g., 



From: Jeremy West <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2022 2:03 PM
To: Kurt Seifried <>
Cc: Alec J Summers <>; CWE CAPEC Board 
Subject: Re: Glossary

Correct Kurt.  Process is defined here as an executing process on the stack.

On Tue, May 24, 2022 at 5:01 PM Kurt Seifried 
<<>> wrote:
"process" means executing process, or like a business process, e.g. password 
reset policy?

On Tue, May 24, 2022 at 2:15 PM Jeremy West 
<<>> wrote:
Red Hat adopted the following definition of a weakness a year or so ago. "A 
weakness is specifically the absence of a safeguard in an asset or process that 
provides a higher potential or frequency of a threat occurring, but does not 
meet the exploitability criteria for a vulnerability."  We've also defined 
vulnerability much more broadly to include weaknesses as a subset "A weakness 
or absence of a safeguard in an asset that provides a higher potential or 
frequency of a threat occurring."  We were running into differing opinions when 
we looked at each as separate and unique.  The other factor we've called out 
internally is hardening.  The key difference between a weakness and hardening 
for us is that a weakness is a direct factor in the potential and frequency vs 
hardening which are safeguards which prevent.

On Tue, May 24, 2022 at 12:49 PM Alec J Summers 
<<>> wrote:
Dear CWE/CAPEC Board Members,

Good afternoon! I hope the week is going well for you all.

During a recent CWE/CAPEC User Experience Working Group session, the topic of 
definitions came up – more specifically, the difficulty in agreeing on good 
ones and making sure they are understood by downstream users. It also reminded 
me of Pietro’s comment during our February meeting, I believe, on the 
importance of harmonious definitions for similar terms across the CVE and 
CWE/CAPEC sites. To that end, the team went ahead and did a quick document 
authorities search of our key terminology to start (i.e., vulnerability, 
weakness, attack pattern), and suggested the following:

Authorities Doc
A flaw in a software, firmware, hardware, or service component resulting from a 
weakness that can be exploited, causing a negative impact to the 
confidentiality, integrity, or availability of an impacted component or 
components. (not changed)
A type of mistake made during the implementation, design, or other phases of a 
product lifecycle that, under the right conditions, could contribute to the 
introduction of vulnerabilities in a range of products made by different 
edited from def on CWE wesbite
Attack Pattern
The common approach and attributes related to the exploitation of a known 
weakness type, usually in cyber-enabled capabilities
edited from def on CAPEC website

The full spreadsheet of definitions to compare is attached. The plan would be 
to unify the definitions according to the above across all our sites. Would 
love to hear your thoughts.


Alec J. Summers
Center for Securing the Homeland (CSH)
Cyber Security Engineer, Principal
Group Lead, Cybersecurity Operations and Integration
MITRE - Solving Problems for a Safer World™


Jeremy West

Red Hat Product Security

Red Hat Massachusetts<>

314 Littleton Rd<>
M: 9192686967<tel:9192686967>     IM: hobbit

-- <>
Kurt Seifried (He/Him)<>

-- <>

Jeremy West<>

Red Hat Product Security<>

Red Hat Massachusetts <>

314 Littleton Rd<>
M: 9192686967     IM: hobbit <>
[Image removed by sender.]<>

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